Message from @ππ΅
Discord ID: 402646647630462986
*selling ungodly expensive autographed rugs*
*jews are just smarter than you, there's no difference in race*
its difficult to keep your tenure as a university professor if you begin lectures with GTK-RWN
plus he is politically instrumental against leftist causes
For the same reason I no longer watch Rebel Media, I now no longer watch JBP.
he campaigned strongly against the forced adoption of gender neutral pronouns
in canadian education
you dont have to like him. But he is on our side.
I can agree with you on rebel media though. they are just a safety valve for centre-right grievances
so that they never move further right
Japan is godless
but they are /ourgodlessguys/
Either way
Id rather live in trad Japan than in godless white ethnostate
Think about it
but you arent japanese
you dont just get to choose to live wherever you want, you dip
@Ulf the principle of my statement is that Id rather live with nice brown people than disgusting white people.
Altho id prefer nice white people to nice brown people because Im white
Baron Ungern Sternberg reasoned the same way
better a buddhist mongorian than a white gommie
take the πpill
What do you blokes think of Calvinism
Predestination is brainlet tier
It is big brained tier
Nope brainlet tier
Nope big brain tier
>implying every worthless cunt deserves a place in paradise
>implying former commies should be forgiven if they now claim to be right wing
Imagine believing in a God and thinking he created shit tier people knowingly
Doesn't get more autistic than that
Like broseph said all predestination is a retarded attempt at reconciling free will with an omniscient God