Message from @IAmHiding
Discord ID: 459436924743057411
but then i started to learn to pray the words with my mouth while meditating on the mysteries and i kept up this practice and i can only say my mindset changed as I reflected daily on the mysteries of the faith especially on the sorrowful mysteries, the passions of jesus christ our lord
living for 10 years as an atheist i had picked up a lot of sinful habits that i didn't consider sinful or in any way wrong and they began to feel injurious to engage in, that might've been the first sign
I went down the rabbit hole of reading the entire catechism of the catholic church and just praying a lot to god to show me more, the nature of faith, hope and charity, and to lead me closer to his presence in the blessed sacrament
I was dealing with a really terrible anxiety disorder and didn't even want to leave my house let alone go into a church but I worked up the courage to do so after suffering from years of the damage left after a nervous breakdown I had
I didn't much like the first mass I went to in terms of the setting and arrangements and the priest's homily but I absolutely felt something there and it was life changing to me, such that even with what I thought were lame/boring elements, I saw this greater meaning and wanted to return... however I couldn't work up the courage to talk to that priest about my experiences over the last year
on a whim I went to a different parish a couple sundays later after missing a couple masses and the priest's homily there spoke directly to my experience as he touched on atheism and skepticism
by the end of that mass I remember I felt like I was going to faint my knees were wobbling, but completely uncharacteristic of me I went straight up to the priest and just told him my life story in about 90 seconds, I don't know how I found the words and put them together in so short a time but I did
I guess I tell the story here to drive at the point that the holy spirit works through us, god has been seeking us before we were in our mother's womb, he knew us even then... we have to open our hearts to his grace. the church's teaching on faith and reason also helped me to understand this is not just a blind leap of faith
my entire worldview changed and I still don't exactly understand what happened but I've been healed in many ways from what was ailing me and became a completely transformed person and I absolutely believe in god again
it's cliche to say but you really do have to open your heart and ask god for his grace
read the catechism section on prayer the whole book is free online and on phone
also there's a series on youtube called becoming catholic that was helpful to me
old videos by blessed archbishop fulton sheen have been great too
Can i ask for some prayers fellas cause im back on my degenerate ways and im not doing anything to fight them off
@francois le francais priez le rosaire mon amie
@francois le francais I'll pray for you bro
Thanks a lot
Np man, I'm always looking out for the homies
Praying that you find it within you
it aint easy
dats for sure
the culture has engineered us to worship a cult of hedonisim and death
the strength needed to overpower
is not easy to come by
^you do not want this worshipper of satan praying for you ^
send your prayers lads my month old niece is in the hospital
@Deleted User will do, keep us posted
its not shit talk its literrly true your are a devil worshipper
given your behavior in general is it really a question ?
It’s not a question. It’s a statement of fact
Zip is a heretic, blasphemer, and has broken multiple commandments. Let him be anathemas
yeah thats also not true