Message from @AlGoreRhythm

Discord ID: 483661992855339028

2018-08-27 01:00:05 UTC  

catholic talk on the braap tonight

2018-08-27 03:05:29 UTC  

enjoying it so far

2018-08-27 04:55:41 UTC  

for long form discussion on this topic broseph posted

2018-08-27 06:23:09 UTC  

Lmao people actually believe a fellow sinful human being can be a vicar of Christ on earth and hurrr durr lets all just jerk of to Thomas Aquinas even though Paul said to beware of philosophies and traditions of men hurr durr i love being “catholic”

2018-08-27 06:28:48 UTC  

Epic !

2018-08-27 06:31:47 UTC  

Hurrr durr lets pray to Mary its definetly biblical hurrr durr dont forget to portray Jesus as having long hair and lets ignore the commandment to call no man on earth father hurr durr orthodoxy is awesome

2018-08-27 06:43:11 UTC  

Grug only read thomas aquinas and let men in dress interpret bible for him grug ignore 1 John 2 grug not think holy spirit can guide unto truth only Thomas Aquinas grug goid catholic

2018-08-27 07:08:47 UTC  

Wow these are all great arguments, what a big brained protestant !

2018-08-27 09:33:07 UTC  

hurr durr real Christianity didn't actually exist until 1517 hurr durr Christ didn't establish a _real_ church that's just what we call the group of people who read a book complied by the very institution I'm shitting on during a late time period where only the existence of cheaply printed books and mass literacy make my heresy logistically possible hurr durr the holy spirit guided us to 50,000 different conflicting versions but you're just not big brained enough to understand that actually they're all true at the same time lmao

2018-08-27 10:19:14 UTC  

Hurr durr me not know that there nothing new under the sun and they there always be good and bad preaching but me branch right bc church controlled by pagan constantine definitely didnt sacrifice doctrine for political gain hurrr durr grug mist give 10 percent to guy in funny hat that touch his kid hurr durr grug love Thomas Aquinas

2018-08-27 10:21:51 UTC  

Grug only wanna read autistic monks convoluted arguments meant for other autistic monks not ready actual scripture cuz grug wanna feel big brained hurr durr

2018-08-27 10:27:39 UTC  

Yeah why would people prefer to listen to people that master the material right

2018-08-27 10:27:44 UTC  


2018-08-27 10:41:33 UTC  

Eurofag has big brain cuz he smart enough to not trust holy spirit to help him interpret scripture gotta listen to man in funny hat and go to mass in language he doesnt understand he very high iq

2018-08-27 10:50:33 UTC  


2018-08-27 11:25:16 UTC  

Real big brained stuff over here

2018-08-27 13:27:58 UTC  

this is why we need to beat up prots who dont submit

2018-08-27 15:40:05 UTC  

Another reason I'm leaning towards Catholicism is the behaviour of protestants

2018-08-27 15:43:57 UTC  

Begome gadolig

2018-08-27 15:57:00 UTC  

low end prots b like

2018-08-27 15:57:06 UTC  

oops I shidded my pants in church

2018-08-27 15:58:43 UTC  

Prots be like, Judas's mistake was he didn't charge enough

2018-08-27 21:37:31 UTC  

r u freggin KIDDING ME

2018-08-27 21:38:58 UTC  

You really have to laugh when pope Francis claims to value poverty in the clergy but all the liberal bishops and cardinals who support him live like kings

2018-08-27 21:39:50 UTC  

he has too much clout

2018-08-28 05:02:02 UTC  

@obamarapedmymom Did Jesus entrust the faith to the Apostles?

2018-08-28 10:41:25 UTC  

Who it's worth noting denied Christ, sold him out etc etc, far from perfect men

2018-08-28 15:25:44 UTC  

@Scooter2000 the last two episodes of the braap have been huge catholic episodes u shud check it out and let me know what you think

2018-08-28 17:43:22 UTC

2018-08-28 20:00:10 UTC  

Feel like getting another bible

2018-08-28 20:00:17 UTC  

I've already got a KJV and a RSVCE

2018-08-28 20:00:21 UTC  

any ideas?

2018-08-28 20:00:52 UTC  

Doughy Raymes

2018-08-28 21:09:03 UTC  

Had a nice chat with the priest yesterday and finally went to confession. I mostly lurk here but this channel has been pretty useful for me. Thanks @Scooter2000 your examination of conscience was very helpful.