Message from @Papa Berb
Discord ID: 414146356505214977
@(((The George Borjas))) they should just combine it with some b.s. measure that cuts welfare spending by enough to make the bill "revenue neutral" like they tried to do with healthcare and pass it with a straight up or down
I realise it's a pipe dream but that's the only way bills can get passed now
Cuts to welfare wouldn't be good for D's either, that'd make it less passable imo
Let's comprimise, cant owns guns if u on foodstamps
there I solved gun control
Yeah but instead of having to get a philibuster proof supermajority, it would only need 50 plus pence
I like that. Plus you could make most of the spending cuts related to illegal migrants. End all federal programs that support them. Probably frees up a few billion
Costs for Medicaid, Education, and Welfare for illegals amounts to ~25 billion, if you cut that you'd have enough for the wall
Dwayne Dixon, Teaching Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill's Asian studies department, Antifa supporter, member of Redneck Revolt and overall embodiment of soy.
This is him openly admitting to a class 6 felony of pointing an assault rifle at James Fields. Timestamp (37:40) and (1:31:30)
boys if daca deal fails and they lose protection are we sure democrats get blamed by democratic voters? or will they chalk it up to “evil nazi republicans”
will dems get blamed by their base for not making a deal
Dem voters will be split
Trump has framed well so independent and moderate will likely blame dems
Dems will be hounded for not acting like niggers enough to protect Paco
For the shutdown anyway
It's all about fracturing the Dem unity
DACA is the best whitepill this year
And plus, even if it was blamed entirely on the GOP, your enemy beaten you does not drive you to the polls.
If anything, it'd cause a hit to their turnout.
@🎭🎵 similar reason to why trayvon Martin lived life as a delinquent in Miami-dade county without ever getting set straight
But it'll be far worse than that. The communists and radicals will blame this on Schumer and Pelosi.
Leftists wanted to report good number without real progress
trayvon was a petty thief and a fighter before he moved to the Orlando area
Never got disciplined because of Miami dade county's policies
Got himself into a fight that cost him his life as a result
soon after trayvon, lots of Miami dade police and educators went to jail for fraud because of the policy
but the damage was done
let’s hope so. i know DACA is going to be an overwhelming victory for us, im just hoping the left collectively blames their leader ship and don’t fall for the “herr derr blumpfy racist killed DACA”. that’s already what their saying in response to his tweet saying repubs are still working for deal. all the liberal college girls and pussy guys saying “coming from the guy who ended DACA”. seems like they have a one track mind to only blame trump
50 shades of gray :^)
read the mayflower compact
I roasted this guy pretty hard
magapedes btfo
This is actually awesome. Protests and race riots solidify support for Trump among White America.
Is ISIS really our enemy? They say in a lot of their material that they attack us because we support Israel and have all this degenerate stuff in our country. What do you guys think? Do you think that other legitimate state actors in the M.E. would make closer relationships with Us if we stopped supporting Israel.
muh holy land