Message from @Nexiso
Discord ID: 643543738597113866
!mute @Arcri
wy pic was removed
who is a flat earther in the call rn
not many ppl
So i have a question
When the asteroid hit the earth did the dinosaurs flyoff because it hit it and its just flings them becaues its flat and its like a plate
lmaoo hahaha
I have a question, if gravity isn't real what accelerates us towards the earth?
And if it's the earth accelerating wouldn't it eventually have a velocity faster tna light Wich is impossible?
yes, on my fart
@IrOnIc FuNnY mEmE NO Flat Earth Society nonsense pls, that a disinfo site, read the community guidelines, thanks
!mute @IrOnIc FuNnY mEmE NO talking FES, thanks
Can anyone debate my pints?
You dont have any pints
I just want one flat earther to tell me how a submarine in WWII was able to use a gyrocompass to navigate from america to europe
What calculations and experiments did you do to conclude the earth is spinning and how do you know these gyros were built using real world calculations and observations of a spinning earth to determine where true north is?
the mere fact that they had to design the gyrocompass with mercury weights that adjust themselves to adjust for precession
as for what i have done
i have been at the top of a mountain
and had to look down at the sun as it set
which would be impossible unless the earth was round
how could a gyrocompass possibly work on a flat earth
So its just a fact to you because of mercury weights?