
Discord ID: 449010114444394517

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2019-11-11 12:23:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-11 12:24:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

when we goin to the ice wall

2019-11-11 12:25:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

wtf bad

2019-11-11 12:25:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  


2019-11-11 21:34:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-11 21:35:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Fuf u

2019-11-11 21:35:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Earth is actually a cone

2019-11-11 21:35:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

Cause of the singularity at the center of the galaxy

8 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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