Message from @Fox
Discord ID: 483642403735994378
Good luck, my brother @fgtveassassin
I went to a 2 yr college that was so multikulti I was one of 50 white students in a student body of 10,000
My older sister cried after the election
Interestingly enough, they had us read poems by Evola and essays by Mencken.
@TV My college has offices specifically for the, "sexually confused" those who need consulling over things like Trump, or White people... and my Western civ. teacher went on about how "White people stole all the technologies and that's why they rule da Wurld"
Also in this Western Civ class, had a Antifa type yell during session, "SIEZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!"
Places of higher learning
@The Eternal Anglo that’s fuckin hilarious
Hahaha it's overwhelming
"I run all of my students' papers through a circa 2016 MSNBC fact checking program."
"white people stole all the technology" then explain the corn rowed brother who stole 20 laptops from the library
I like how a shitty Indian immigrant Econ teacher is telling me how a multi-billionaire real estate investor who had been a household name for over 30 years and became president is an idiot
"He no say the right words. The fascists are the real lefties."
That specific line urks my nerves, especially when it comes from boomers @Fox
When I was in school I still used CivNat arguments in class despite being redpilled. I wish I never censored myself
Never fear doxx from browns.
Well, for starters, he's orange. Second, he's racist.
It’s fellow whites and (((fellow whites))) who doxx
Anti-oompaloompaism will not be tolerated
Scrrrlumphscrumph eternally btfo’d
@Wotan Klan-GA counter-oopaloompaism
Who suicided
I saw it on DNC-SI.
@Wotan Klan-GA who wasn't suicided?
Heath Ledger
His name was Seth Rich
I staunchly believe Heath Ledger didn’t kill himself. He was just a junkie
He ODd
He mixed meds with alcohol, but he was also an alcoholic. I think his liver jut decided to rage quit
Wtf @NITRODUBS where's that from?
Shots fired