Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 483808722897076266
... eh
I loved it
original Wolfenstein ftw
original CoD
back when _health packs_ were a thing
Gamers rise up
Level 9 was peak
CoD2 was also pretty great
I like this "rise up" meme
It’s applicable to a lot of things.
the original Doom had me like 😳 when i saw it at a friends house.
add it to your memetic collection, Frei
any man without a meme collection is no man worth having
Rise up SAL
Whyte pipo rise up
tfw not a mod so @here doesn't work. :-p
rise up @Deleted User worked! uh oh
Rise up @Deleted User
Rise up men of the Empire, for are we not heirs of Sigmar?
Has anyone ever called you guys that? Whyte pipo?? I think they know using racial words gets you autobanned by the algorithm now. They’re learning.
Not irl
gang weed rise up?
back demon
I don't stay in Baltimore long enough to find out if they would call me ypipo
Rise up clown hairs!
> black
> learning
rise up gamers
Rise up @sigruna14
this chat is a darn mess
Gamers are being killed in their house of worship. This was a hate crime.
Rise up @Kingfish
I will not be buying BF5, and I hope no one here will either. Their pre orders are already tanking. Money is the only thing they understand.
Did I already post this