Message from @Bjorn - MD
Discord ID: 484353717395783690
Oh, for f#ck sake, he just found a way to lace the "nazis" into his monologue.
Gotta reach the lowest common denominator, I guess.
Good morning, gents
Fact: when white people are strong, the planet cools; when we are weak, the planet heats. Science bruh.
Do 96% of scientists agree to this?
96% of scientists agree to this.
Great! That's the only meteric that matters for climate science.
What was temperature 20,000 years ago or 20,000,000 years ago? The only thing that is relevant is that is is within a range the we can prosper in.
Real question hours:
Were the Empire the good guys, and the rebels the bad guys?
The First Order were the best iteration of the Law and Order of the Empire. Theocratic Monarchy Intergalactic gang gang.
They were the good guys. The rebels are basically Antifa or the Weathermen.
I disagree. I like the cold. I don’t like the Africanization of Earth.
The rebels? The old, extremist, sand religion?
@Asatru Artist - MD
@Fox The one that left millions of people in an ungovernable wasteland? yes lol
Poor Alex Jone. They are hitting him from every direction.
Saint Alex will persevere.
Pay attention, guys (and gals):
@ThisIsChris What!? Noooo.
@Bjorn - MD So "Assad" will be doing another chemical attack "on his own people" again soon? *seems like an easy pretext for war by neocons*
@Asatru Artist - MD Yup. We really need to turn "chemical weapons attacks" into a meme.
You would hope now that the Wicked Witch of Arizona was dead that war would be less likely. 😕
Could we turn this into some PUA equivalent where you “chemical attack” the not super hot girl in order to make the hottie jealous?
Sounds feasible... <:teehee:381917632359563264>
Peak Low time preference
Good morning I.E.
Can we get all the whites out of South Africa and watch the country fall within a year? It'll be glorious.
> blacks
> philosophy
Agreed. Living in close proximity to that many blegs is a bad idea.
Frame it in reverse, shouldnt we just get all the evil racist wypeepo out and watch the diversity enrich the place?
Agreeing with the left for all the wrong reasons.
What happened in the vid?
They chimped out about a test...
At school?