Message from @Broseph
Discord ID: 441074994739544065
Men can't be friends with girls
my name was inspired by him
but he's gone pretty long with the posts
Shes gone more than hysterical dude
didnt based taco get herself kicked out of her libertarian club for standing up for nick?
you know the ones
Women can be friends with their children l, that's it
@Literally Shaking girls can be friends with other girls. But not with men, it creates a conflict of interest and we don't have the same interests
if shes fucking hysterical then how does she have any credibility
No one cares about the libertarian club <:lmaoJUST:402622080719519744>
Men can be friends with other men because we know each other
They are never really friends with each other either
>chat cleared for rape posting
>"but rape is chad guys."
@Literally Shaking yeah I know, the grudges and shit
I know what you're trying to say
Remember when gab and naf were "friends" too?
the only real friendships are between two men
actually ban rebics
@Literally Shaking idk who gab is
He's so cancer
I still don't know who gab is
hey rebics how much did you pay for mod
He probably started all this
@Literally Shaking never heard
Don't rape
Started the rape posting? yeah no
@Literally Shaking is she another e thot
notice the one on the shakiest grown starts to point fingers the most
Really makes you think
notice whos said to ban people twice just now
technically hes not talking about it sweetheart
chuck is a good boy
Oh ya, brospeh almost did us a giant favor at cpac
200 iq chad broseph, way too cool for us