Discord ID: 430538754667577356
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it was the poo poo pee pee stuff
I love jews and I don't want to kill them!
when there's peace in the korean peninsula
In honor of the White House Press Correspondents' Dinner
Is it against the rules to use "cosby" as a verb?
He dindu nuffin
You should be less nice
rape needs to be illegal
raping women is gay
Ban everyone and burn it to the ground. Establish a phone line for call-ins.
girls are jews
unfortunately nick is wrong here
the prophecy argument is gay
I wish I could believe, but I don't see how anything could convince me Jesus came back from the dead
prophecy is confirmation bias. You could make this argument from literally any religious prophecy
anime is far more wholesome than western media
Robespierre did nothing wrong
Mr. Goldberg... I don't feel so good
He did say USED TO
I can understand that
Never would have guessed someone with that profile picture would be a homo
It's normal to want to be a girl under these conditions, and he seems to have realized that was wrong. His only degenerate behavior was interacting with e-traps
>transgenderism has always existed in society, they're just more out in the open! totally not a sign of societal decay
No reason to attack Europe even if you aren't optimistic
what is the point of sims 3, it seems like it's for girls
It is a human right for a demographic with a 50% suicide rate to join the military but I can't do it because I took antidepressants once
I don't like sand
because I hate economics professors with a burning passion
we are ALL Anne Frank
I love coming home to good news
I always put America LAST๐
just lol at Nick being worried about his mortality. just be suicidal bro
Nick can now officially say b--mer with a hard R
stop promoting racemixing pls
never play a paradox game on a laptop, fellas
Getting a self driving Tesla in a liberal city to run over libs without any liability
niggers can't survive on mars because it's too far from the sun. he knows what he's doing
Needs to be a comic where Joker unironically converts to christianity, and suddenly having an anchor in his life, becomes basically sane. It can mirror the Killing Joke but reversed, with the flashbacks dealing with how Joker found God and Batman trying to convince him that life is absurd and meaningless, even going so far as to kidnap Joker's Christian gf. At the end, in place of a joke, the Joker presents batman with a parable from the Bible relevant to their situation that stops him in his tracks.
ted was right. you will have no choice but to use one and (((they))) will drive you off the road
I mean, at least they haven't made him a nigger or woman or tranny or something yet
these new villains are getting really hardcore
How do we destroy China lads?
tfw no bad optics gf to forcibly civilize
MGTOW but only boycotting non-virgins
Can't wait to breed all the other dog breeds with german shepherds and drive them to extinction! It fills me with glee just thinking about it! I am a mentally healthy individual!
What did youtube mean by this? I've never seen anything like this below a video before...
*tips batfedora*
murdoch murdoch is good tho
Oh man you got me
just meditated for an hour in the woods to try to will the universe to give me a gf when I go back to college
hopefully it will work
I have to say, Turner Diaries is a pretty entertaining book
It is racist smut. Not really valuable for anything more than entertainment, but it *was* extremely entertaining nonetheless.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying fiction from time to time.
listen to the audiobook, it really makes the time go
I guess that makes you the "autistic retard" then
The idea that it is the foundation of some kind of doctrine is an old jew media narrative. It was still fun to listen to.
Like none of you would like to go to war against the American State
with mutants
After the success of the Handmaid's Tale, how long do you think before Netflix makes a Turner Diaries series?
>August 19, 2018
>still no America First minecraft server
it's okay to be antisemite
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