Message from @Salo Saloson
Discord ID: 486607383553114123
They're not mutually exclusive
But they approach everything from the feminine side.
I don't see that. Though I know what you mean.
The military is a really good example of something thats both authoritarian and egalitarian
At least in concept
I see Antifa as pushing for a distraction of hierarchy, order
Our current military 👌🏻
Yeah we're kind of a joke atm
>still wearing medals as she makes political statements
makes you think
right, right, my mistake
don't play into their delusions
or their language
That break down of hierarchy is egalitarianism.
that is a dude, plain and simple. I don't care what it says.
I'm far less concerned with what it says than with what it's doing
I guess I strongly associate order and hierarchy with authoritarian ideology.
wearing military decorations at the same time as you have 'tough words for President Trump' is an obvious duck for any criticism
So when are we going to be invaded, guys? The enemy is simply waiting a bit longer...
The state of our military saddens me
That is an article in a military rag too, NOT the Guardian/Slate/HuffPo. <:sad:366743316475281408>
I remember my dad always talking about the fall of Rome
It is a matter of degree. Right now our elites are not only much too powerful, they are also rabidly hostile to their middle- and working-class White brothers. The government has caused this by their cowardice. But our elites used to be patriotic. But that was before they were (((converged))) and (((corrupted))) by Leftist scum who want to turn us into something resembling Pol Pot's paradise. The West HAS been destroyed by SWPLs and SJWs who take their cues, unconsciously perhaps, from Marxism. But the reckoning is just barely over the horizon.
He always pointed to the diverse military, diverse culture, and breakdown of families
Everything we see now
Stefan Molyneux did a video about the fall of Rome and it's modern parallels to America.
and we are right at the 250 year mark where the average civilization fails
when can I expect the Germanics to swarm over the Mississippi?
I think the parallels between us and Rome are slightly overblown
the Germanics are being swarmed by sand people currently, i think they'll be a while
"The reckoning is just barely over the horizon"
I hope your right.
we are the horizon...
Technically the Roman Empire fell when Islam came around. When the Germanic tribes invaded they restored the empire after cleansing it
The military is such a mindless bunch of conformists to whoever is in power. I really think that if we went head-to-head with the Russians right now we would be sent back to the locker room right quick. I have heard rumors that in the German military, there is a secret oath that many of the officers take with their hands on the old Imperial flag. I hope that's true.
The Navy is so poorly organized and motivated in my opinion. Cousin just graduated Navy basic and the organization of the whole thing was a shitshow.
Rome fell into degeneracy, mass immigration and their army being replaced by outsiders.
I find Rome analogies useful, but like any analogy it isn't a perfect parallel.
Yeah, a civilization that old and one today won't be perfect parallels but they are sure good as examples of what not to do.