Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 488472415509282826
general merchandise
@Reinhard Wolff At what point could we do that?
Yeah, we definitely want to expand the amount of merchandise we have to sell.
I could help set up various media outlets.
Media outlets aren't profitable though
@Reinhard Wolff I'm planning on creating a podcast.
Not around these parts at least
Virtually no one can get and keep a payment processor
@Asatru Artist - MD That would be very nice to have.
I think the best way to benefit the organization/cause financially is to become wealthy on your own and donate.
@Reinhard Wolff I'm learning how to code. How difficult would it be to make a payment processor?
I'm guessing it would be incredibly challenging
The issue there has more to do with banks and credit card companies, I believe.
and a catalog that lists /ourguys/
But someday, someone will find a solution.
Yeah. That's the problem. We would need our own cryptocurrency.
So it's certainly a worthwhile undertaking.
Ffs we effectively have to make a "dark web" just to exist as a marketable brand.
for these brands
@Reinhard Wolff Do you know how many people work in IT who are apart of IE?
or who have some kind of background in programming?
@Reinhard Wolff If not, then that's something to look into. We need a large number of individuals who can provide technical support.
IT and creating a payment processor from scratch are *vastly* different. The capital needed to create such things would be yuge.
We can't use ads
We do have developers in IE, yes.
Almost all ads are ran through google iirc
@Rabbidsith one of the places you can network with developers is in the #tech channel on the Skills server
@Asatru Artist - MD Getting investors should be a priority then. Damn. It's effectively a game of building a name first.
Which is what we are doing now. Community service, (peaceful) activism, good people out there interacting with the public at large.
Has anyone scrolled to the bottom of AmRen or RedIce lately...stealth ads.
Maybe we could plug InfoWars at some point. ;)
or anyone too hot for standard payment processors
There are ads in the Disqus section on Red Ice, but we obviously don't get anything from it.
@Reinhard Wolff That's a shame. :(
AmRen uses Revcontent
way down the side
Anyway, I was just suggesting we have ads for our brands