Message from @Salo Saloson

Discord ID: 488513795593863176

2018-09-10 00:54:26 UTC  

You broke your heelbone in section 8? What were you up to? lol

2018-09-10 00:54:39 UTC  

Fell off a ladder working on a window there. Long story

2018-09-10 00:54:52 UTC  

One of my wife's friends pays $54/Mo rent in section 8

2018-09-10 00:55:38 UTC  

As long as you weren't creeping out of Sharnika's second floor window

2018-09-10 00:55:42 UTC  

wtf I was having some muscle pain from hyperthyroidism and the doctor tried to prescribe me friggin OxyContin and told me to take 2 each day for a week

2018-09-10 00:55:43 UTC  

Consider the discount a form of hazard pay

2018-09-10 00:55:57 UTC  

I wish they'd tear The Hub down. It never fails, someone from our business always gets hurt there doing some work. It's cursed

2018-09-10 00:56:13 UTC  

@Wotan Klan-GA That seems like overkill

2018-09-10 00:56:30 UTC  

As well as normal thyroid treatment. Why is he giving me heroin for something that can be fixed with aspirin

2018-09-10 00:56:57 UTC  

Do they have quotas of some sort?

2018-09-10 00:57:05 UTC  

It seems so

2018-09-10 00:57:08 UTC  

or surplus

2018-09-10 00:57:39 UTC  

“We don’t prescribe cocaine like we did in the 19th century, we aren’t barbarians!”

2018-09-10 00:57:40 UTC  

I have pretty bad joint issues and they tried to give me some hardcore painkillers instead of a prescription that’s actually used to stop joint degeneration, which is what I’m actually on now.

2018-09-10 00:57:54 UTC  

Like I can deal with pain I want an actual medicine

2018-09-10 00:57:57 UTC  

“Here’s heroin for the wife and meth for the kids!”

2018-09-10 00:58:06 UTC  

docs _do_ get paid to make sure they prescribe pills from pharma companies

2018-09-10 00:58:23 UTC  

(hence why they seem to have an odd habit of just prescribing shit for no reason)

2018-09-10 00:58:43 UTC  

It’s pretty messed up. The majority of heroin addicts get hooked because of prescription drugs

2018-09-10 00:59:11 UTC  

We are the bad ones for not loving immigrants apparently

2018-09-10 00:59:25 UTC  

and lookit that Swedish system

2018-09-10 00:59:32 UTC  

not even a secret ballot, what a crock of shit

2018-09-10 01:00:02 UTC  

Oh yeah they manipulated votes by not keeping them anonymous didn’t they

2018-09-10 01:00:28 UTC  

who knows the truth of that, but what people _are_ saying is that ballots were thrown away and tossed out

2018-09-10 01:00:34 UTC  

nobody can say for certain how many of course

2018-09-10 01:00:39 UTC  

They did that back in the South to keep people from voting for Republicans

2018-09-10 01:00:56 UTC  

@Salo Saloson of course they were

2018-09-10 01:01:31 UTC  

@Wotan Klan-GA Do you think Stacy Abrams will win?

2018-09-10 01:01:37 UTC  

You wouldn’t think the system would just let the people change it do you?

2018-09-10 01:02:19 UTC  

ironic since that's how many people (some here with us) who seemed to think that

2018-09-10 01:02:31 UTC  

@PhoenixFire idk. Probably not because most of the people who vote for that in Georgia are old whites

2018-09-10 01:03:04 UTC  

But who knows, Democrats are more proactive than Republicans

2018-09-10 01:03:14 UTC  

@Wotan Klan-GA I hope so but look at the population swell in Atl.

2018-09-10 01:03:23 UTC  

Your right about that.

2018-09-10 01:03:31 UTC  

They get work done.

2018-09-10 01:04:21 UTC  

She might very well win. We aren’t going to win this fight through the system I believe

2018-09-10 01:05:03 UTC  

The system is rigged against us in every single way. The Left and the “right” are both on the same side

2018-09-10 01:05:07 UTC  

The important thing is to raise consciousness. Any non/post-system scenarios can only happen if white american consciousness is raised.

2018-09-10 01:05:23 UTC  

The young, non white demographic is starting to mobilize. I see it more and more.

2018-09-10 01:05:40 UTC  

and its the thing to do nowadays.

2018-09-10 01:06:17 UTC  

We won’t raise consciousness until we establish a physical community of our own and other whites get a chance to compare what we have to what they are stuck in