Message from @God Emperor Jigaboo

Discord ID: 637839136866304000

2019-10-27 02:22:06 UTC  

I have a lot.

2019-10-27 02:22:06 UTC  

@LPA FreeNeko (Hermit's Youth)πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ YOU KNO DA WAE MY BRUDDAH!!! <:tipsfedora:585703456128499713>

2019-10-27 02:22:09 UTC  

I am 23 - kinda old.

2019-10-27 02:22:18 UTC  

I just have a lot of missed years I want to make up for.

2019-10-27 02:22:29 UTC  

I've tried clubbing and it's terrible other than the dancing πŸ˜„

2019-10-27 02:22:30 UTC  

@LPA FreeNeko (Hermit's Youth)πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ thats the power of new pussy, you wanna fuck it "all the time"... until you had your fill

2019-10-27 02:22:57 UTC  

I love putting on nice clothes and hanging out with my buddies. I don't see sleeping with a club chick ending well.

2019-10-27 02:23:11 UTC  

Drunk + high rate of STI on that scene

2019-10-27 02:23:22 UTC  

I rather find similar FWB I had with this chick.

2019-10-27 02:23:33 UTC  

@reagoge if youre in the West/US... i hear the club/bar scene is pretty much dead af

@God Emperor Jigaboo But new pussy has a tendency to be "Pre-Owned" so to speak

2019-10-27 02:23:56 UTC  
2019-10-27 02:24:02 UTC  

at least thats my theory

2019-10-27 02:24:07 UTC  

That's another thing... I don't LOVE her in the sense of wanting to spend my life with her forever or give her kids. I know she's a hoe and will never be monogamous with me until she hits 30+ but even then, probably not. She's going to be a mess by 25, let alone 30+. She's already an alcoholic lol.

I know it doesn't care.

2019-10-27 02:24:14 UTC  

But that's why I rise above, being the "superior" specimen I am.

2019-10-27 02:24:40 UTC  

Well, i just learned that alaskin mosquitoes are apparently the spawn of satan, more so then normal mosquitoes

2019-10-27 02:24:45 UTC  

I don't even love her enough to be monogamous. I JUST MISS HER AND WANT HER. It's so fucked.

2019-10-27 02:24:49 UTC  


2019-10-27 02:25:00 UTC  

you dont miss her, you just like fucking her

She was a virgin and she helped couch volleyball. So we could only smash a few times a week because it made her sore. She didn't want to be sore when she was couching

For the love of the Great Savior Clifford, stop thinking with your sword.

2019-10-27 02:25:43 UTC  

Wait, isn't this the dude that was going on about a chick who was the town bike but was a good lay?

2019-10-27 02:25:53 UTC  

@God Emperor Jigaboo Dude... maybe I am icy? I honestly don't think I miss anything about her. I just miss the ACT of fucking someone. I think it is finally syncing up.

2019-10-27 02:26:09 UTC  
2019-10-27 02:26:24 UTC  

@Mr.Black I don't think so

Please don't tell me you miss the town bike.

2019-10-27 02:26:40 UTC  

She had sex with another dude for sure but I don't think any others

2019-10-27 02:26:49 UTC  

Now she's in another state

That's is a communist's job.

2019-10-27 02:26:56 UTC  

Didn't you get yelled at by xychotic for 2 hrs? @reagoge

2019-10-27 02:27:03 UTC  


2019-10-27 02:27:09 UTC  

Yep same guy

2019-10-27 02:27:11 UTC  

I don't think he yelled at me lol

2019-10-27 02:27:15 UTC  

He was trying to fix me

2019-10-27 02:27:16 UTC  


Yeah, Xy delivered the ultimate Boomer Rage.