Message from @reagoge

Discord ID: 637839703919427594

2019-10-27 02:24:45 UTC  

I don't even love her enough to be monogamous. I JUST MISS HER AND WANT HER. It's so fucked.

2019-10-27 02:24:49 UTC  


2019-10-27 02:25:00 UTC  

you dont miss her, you just like fucking her

She was a virgin and she helped couch volleyball. So we could only smash a few times a week because it made her sore. She didn't want to be sore when she was couching

For the love of the Great Savior Clifford, stop thinking with your sword.

2019-10-27 02:25:43 UTC  

Wait, isn't this the dude that was going on about a chick who was the town bike but was a good lay?

2019-10-27 02:25:53 UTC  

@God Emperor Jigaboo Dude... maybe I am icy? I honestly don't think I miss anything about her. I just miss the ACT of fucking someone. I think it is finally syncing up.

2019-10-27 02:26:09 UTC  
2019-10-27 02:26:24 UTC  

@Mr.Black I don't think so

Please don't tell me you miss the town bike.

2019-10-27 02:26:40 UTC  

She had sex with another dude for sure but I don't think any others

2019-10-27 02:26:49 UTC  

Now she's in another state

That's is a communist's job.

2019-10-27 02:26:56 UTC  

Didn't you get yelled at by xychotic for 2 hrs? @reagoge

2019-10-27 02:27:03 UTC  


2019-10-27 02:27:09 UTC  

Yep same guy

2019-10-27 02:27:11 UTC  

I don't think he yelled at me lol

2019-10-27 02:27:15 UTC  

He was trying to fix me

2019-10-27 02:27:16 UTC  


Yeah, Xy delivered the ultimate Boomer Rage.

My girl was a virgin. I'm the only guy she ever slept with. Fuck i miss her

2019-10-27 02:27:25 UTC  


2019-10-27 02:27:28 UTC  

i have a theory im developing, i think most men just want to fuck but because of upbringing, media, and other social conditioning we dont really know how to go about just getting sex. so most men find themselves doing the whole "relationshit/ship" dance to just get pussy.

while women, in a slight reverse, are pressured into acting in a way that guys "should" be acting through modern media and feminism but most of them actually want security and a guy to provide for them ala "relationship"

2019-10-27 02:27:31 UTC  

I'm sure he was screaming at the pc screen lol

2019-10-27 02:27:41 UTC  
2019-10-27 02:28:08 UTC  

@God Emperor Jigaboo I think that's accurate...

Xy stopped mowing his lawn, and drinking his Sugar Free Monster to deal with you.

You should feel bad.

2019-10-27 02:28:34 UTC  

@π“…‚ 𝔗π”₯π”’π”π”žπ”°π”±π”Šπ”¬π”‘π”Žπ”¦π”«π”€π“…‚ I think they're lies but she would tell me all the time how sore I made her. Xy said they were all lies to make me feel better.

2019-10-27 02:28:46 UTC  

Bro sugar free monster is my shit

2019-10-27 02:28:50 UTC  

I drank 2 of those today

2019-10-27 02:28:51 UTC  

I got cancer

2019-10-27 02:28:55 UTC  

I need to stop

Oh god.....

2019-10-27 02:29:00 UTC  


2019-10-27 02:29:05 UTC  


Please don't tell me you have sunglasses.

2019-10-27 02:29:12 UTC  

I've been gaming all day.