Message from @The Eternal Anglo
Discord ID: 495455359369084932
@Nemets It's not useless at all. It's the history that has been repressed.
Georgians are essentially central Asian. They are not a part of our European civilization. The only reason Stalin was elevated by Lenin is because, since Stalin was a criminal, he was "authentic" to the essentially upper-class Lenin.
@Nemets Ha ha. I'm sure I would. Stalin, after all, was raised not far from the home of the Khazars. The thing that all these central Asians have in common (with other third-world races) is that the only effective government is a brutal tyranny. It's just the way they are. The entire Arab world is like this also. Most of Asian as well. Europeans are the only race to have a long history of government that is open to discussion, compromise and class mobility. Never forget that White people conquered the world while also fighting each other. The two fractricidal world wars were what caused our moral and material crisis. As well as Whites' capacity for empathy. The Day of Reckoning is at hand.
There were Sogdian mercenaries in Total War Attila
Tbh I learned European geography from Total War and HOI4
Apples come from Kyrgyzstan, that's about all I know. Oh and the Epic of Manas
The sarmatians have to go back
Well lads, since I couldn't go to a local meet up tonight, I had my Wife watch Farmlands: the documentary with me
What was wife's verdict?
She started dozing off during the very end, we may have to rewatch it but I'll ask her tomorrow. It did take her by surprise that Orania town really is a gem among SA, and also how all people aren't equal
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I've told her about why we do activism to grow awareness to what's happening there. Seeing the actual testimonies is different though and she was much more engaged, compared to me talking it
@Flint - that is great
the chans are some funny pepo
@The Eternal Anglo 2018, a time when white people fall asleep during a documentary about *current* white genocide and displacement. <:sad:366743316475281408>
I'm thinking I'll show my Wife the I.E demonstration against the SA Boer genocide before we rewatch the documentary @Asatru Artist - MD
I'm the tall one with teal polo on with the IE flag. <:teehee:381917632359563264>
The eternal doxxing <:teehee:381917632359563264> <:teehee:381917632359563264> <:teehee:381917632359563264> She's come around since this crazy night, the "All cultures are equal" schtick is going to be gone soon. I'm compiling the migrant riot reports, videos, and effects of their invasion on France after we get done with this documentary
Not to Liberalist post here, but Sargon has some great "all cultures are equal" videos his The Thinkery channel.
There ya go ^
Richard Spencer may have created all kinds of a mess, but I'll always remember the time he and Woes broke Sarg'n
Doesn't excuse the mess ofc
"But think of the individual!"
muh radical centrist individualists
that collectivized into the "Liberalists" 🤔
Adjective-ist. Not to Grammar sperm, but that annoys me
@Asatru Artist - MD Ah, that's you? You may be tougher to put in a locker than I thought. I'll have to train more
Do you think the massive waves of Africans running into Europe, with that one guy yelling "Mali! Mali! Mali!" Is too much at once? @Asatru Artist - MD
yeah, ease her into it...don't go full chimp out...yet
Start with all 13 hours of "Europa: The Last Battle." 😉
^(do not do that)
the recent videos of the africans running up on the beach with white tourists could be good though.
it looks like a literal invasion of blacks into Euriope