Message from @Kunarian
Discord ID: 402043604136361986
sharing is caring
I just had an edible for the first time and it just kicked in and I definitely had way too much I might have to call 911 soon
You m not even joking rn
I can read but just barely and the past 15 minutes have felt like 2 hours
kek, good luck
Somehow I read German better than I do English when I'm baked
I got a new political test for you guys
I am way too high for tests rn
Holy shit are you still high fam?
13 hours later
No Radeon pls, choose life
I kno da wey to cure it @radeon
All sciences, even chemistry and biology are not uncompromising and are conditioned by our society.
Loans contracted in the public sphere (State, regions, collectivities...) should not necessarily be refunded.
It is a small group that consciously and secretly controls the world.
“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”