Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 406083724166430720


2018-01-25 13:11:59 UTC  

Just humours me that all this time people have been either sending aid or using sanctions on the Norks and got nowhere

2018-01-25 13:12:29 UTC  

Trump just calls their bluff on fucking *twitter* and they're all like 'we wanna be fwiends wit eeeeevewewon!"

2018-01-25 13:12:51 UTC  

that's not a good representation of events :P

2018-01-25 13:12:53 UTC  

On the flipside this could of course be a cunning ploy to undermine South Korea etc

you have to factor in Chyna

wants those good shit

like Samsung and LG

dem some good shiite

but SK is Westernised even more so than Japan but not as much as Hong Kong

if you want the good shit

you have to take, probably the least uneducated people in the world

2018-01-25 13:41:42 UTC  

that has nothing to do with it, it's all about AIIB and that neither china nor russia want the US to have the opportunity to amass forces along the northern NK borders

2018-01-25 13:42:17 UTC  

if the global media talks about possible unification, it's going to make it a lot harder for the US to justify invading NK

2018-01-25 13:49:41 UTC  

China might not want US troops on a land border next to them, but the US invading NK would be political suicide unless NK did something absolutely batshit in order to provoke such a response - which I think China wouldn't want either

2018-01-25 13:51:08 UTC  

which is why the US has been pushing out the (fake) narratives of NK cyber attacks, and scaremongering with their missile program and nuke capabilities

2018-01-25 13:51:27 UTC  

to prevent invasion being political suicide

2018-01-25 13:51:44 UTC  

*scratches head*

2018-01-25 13:52:42 UTC  

You're gonna have to clarify what you're implying, because it sounds like you don't believe the Norks have (or are developing) a nuclear payload, and a means with which to deliver it

2018-01-25 13:53:39 UTC  

oh, there's no doubt they are, but they've signed international treaties at least twice that explicitly requires them to stop their nuclear research and missile programs, and every time the US has refused to co-sign

2018-01-25 13:53:54 UTC  

I think china and india have been mediators

2018-01-25 13:54:20 UTC  

the reason the US doesn't want to sign is because they need troops on the northern NK borders to pressure china and specifically the AIIB

2018-01-25 13:54:37 UTC  

and I want the US to do that, I don't want the AIIB project to succeed

2018-01-25 13:54:41 UTC  

I _want_ the US to invade NK

2018-01-25 13:57:06 UTC  

NK's artillery aimed at Seoul makes that impossible

no white dudes in NK my dude

if they see my 6.2 white ass in NK they will eat themselves

2018-01-25 13:58:22 UTC  

their football coach is Norwegian, iirc

that's not an invader

he's a protected class

2018-01-25 13:59:05 UTC  

yeah, but some of them would have seen him

2018-01-25 13:59:20 UTC  

so they wouldn't be shocked by "giants" invading them

NK has us eating babies

we are demons

it has to be Chyna or SK

not even Russia

if they spot me in camo and carrying a rifle, a Father could kill his family to avoid them being 'captured'

2018-01-25 14:05:12 UTC  

here's a short clip about US-NK relations during the bush jr administration which has a sentence or two about the NKs willingness to abandon their missile programs, and how it was prevented by US diplomats