Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 406149923927752707

2018-01-25 18:02:38 UTC  

yes, and this senator is calling him out, telling him in no uncertain terms "give me the names of the experts who advised you on this"

2018-01-25 18:02:44 UTC  

I'm looking forward to the response

2018-01-25 18:03:36 UTC  

I have seen a drunk women shit in the street in california if that counts. I think she just wanted to piss but let it all out <:think_pepe:378719408434053131>

2018-01-25 18:04:10 UTC

2018-01-25 18:04:20 UTC  

just needed something nice after that sentence

2018-01-25 18:05:03 UTC  

It was very horrific for me

2018-01-25 18:06:36 UTC  

I can't imagine what I'd do, but my "city" has just a few thousand people, so if I saw someone do that there's a good chance I'd know who they were

2018-01-25 18:07:10 UTC  


2018-01-25 18:07:21 UTC  

At least no one got it on video

2018-01-25 18:07:33 UTC

2018-01-25 18:07:40 UTC

2018-01-25 18:08:45 UTC  

Im sure you could find something like that if that is what you are into

2018-01-25 18:09:04 UTC  


2018-01-25 18:09:21 UTC  

It is the internet after all

2018-01-25 18:09:21 UTC  

I'm not into scat

2018-01-25 18:09:37 UTC  

This guy shits^

2018-01-25 18:13:00 UTC  

Oh my

2018-01-25 18:14:42 UTC  

DOJ did not fuck around

2018-01-25 18:14:47 UTC  

β€œWe will leave no stone unturned to confirm with certainty why these text messages are not now available to be produced and will use every technology available to determine whether the missing messages are recoverable from another source,” Sessions

2018-01-25 18:15:25 UTC  

is it just me or does the fact that they found them in probably a few hours speak to the obvious cover up the FBI was trying to pull off

2018-01-25 18:15:52 UTC  

or perhaps there's some access that the DOJ has that the FBI doesn't, with NSAs data collection or whatever?

2018-01-25 18:16:33 UTC  

And the FBI tried to blame samsung <:GWragFeelsComfyMan:390321740158468096> πŸ˜‚

2018-01-25 18:16:37 UTC  

Was kind of a dumb idea in the first place to be like 'oh wells we lost them whoops lol'

2018-01-25 18:16:53 UTC  

considering how many redundancy systems and backups such an organisation must surely be running

2018-01-25 20:00:19 UTC  

holy fuck netflix is down globally

2018-01-25 20:00:48 UTC

2018-01-25 21:10:58 UTC  

this might be the first believable article I've ever read about russians actually targetting the democratic party

2018-01-25 21:11:21 UTC  

which obviously means it doesn't convince me, it's the _only_ believable one I've ever seen, just to repeat that

2018-01-25 21:11:48 UTC  

but there has been believable articles about russians targetting the republicans, and wanting hillary to win, so now I'm not sure of anything

2018-01-25 21:17:10 UTC  

`The American intelligence services were unprepared for that, he says. That is one of the reasons the Dutch access is so appreciated. The Americans send 'cake' and 'flowers' to Zoetermeer, sources tell. And not just that. Intelligence is a commodity: it can be traded. In 2016, the heads of the AIVD and MIVD, Rob Bertholee and Pieter Bindt, personally discuss the access to the Russian hacker group with James Clapper, then the highest ranking official of the American intelligence services, and Michael Rogers, head of the NSA. `

2018-01-25 21:17:23 UTC  

god dammit how come I was not aware of this relationship

2018-01-25 22:14:27 UTC  
2018-01-25 22:18:43 UTC  

that bitch is just trying to discredit the memo before anything is released

Rowdy Gowdy

2018-01-26 05:29:20 UTC

2018-01-26 13:04:42 UTC  

@folk Don't mean to bother you, but can you ping me when you get online?
I finally have an update on the whole matter of the posters going around UNBF. The student newspaper at my university (UNBSJ) interviewed the leader of the NSCLRP, a political party here that isn't yet officially recognized due to a lack of membership. He says he didn't put the first one up, another of the members did, but after he talked to them about it he put up the rest of them.
I don't know if he's legit or not, considering I've tried to look it up but it's on *facebook* and I'd need an account to, but if need be I'll go to the officer for the school paper here and try to ask them about the interview.
But uh, basically, if this is true, we were both wrong. It wasn't SJWs, and it wasn't Alt-Right. It was Nazis.

Looks alt-right to me