Message from @DanielKO

Discord ID: 407258886404440065

2018-01-28 19:12:42 UTC  

"if a nuclear winter is started, it won't matter what kind of house you chose to hide inside
what pills you pop"

2018-01-28 19:12:49 UTC  

it litterally does matter

2018-01-28 19:13:30 UTC  

short term, yes, long term, not at all, which was what I was alluding to.

2018-01-28 19:14:02 UTC  

long term it also matters

2018-01-28 19:14:10 UTC  

which is why you take the pills

2018-01-28 19:14:18 UTC

2018-01-28 19:14:31 UTC  

If the dose rate 1 hour after an explosion is 1000 R/hr, it would take about 2 weeks for the dose rate to be reduced to 1 R/hr solely as a result of radioactive decay. Weathering effects will reduce the dose rate further,' for example, rain can wash fallout particles from plants and houses to lower positions on or closer to the ground. Surrounding objects would reduce the radiation dose from these low-lying particles.

2018-01-28 19:15:16 UTC  

Within two weeks after an attack the occupants of most shelters could safely stop using them, or could work outside the shelters for an increasing number of hours each day. Exceptions would be in areas of extremely heavy fallout such as might occur downwind from important targets attacked with many weapons, especially missile sites and very large cities. To know when to come out safely, occupants either would need a reliable fallout meter to measure the changing radiation dangers, or must receive information based on measurements made nearby with a reliable instrument.

2018-01-28 19:15:21 UTC  

the point I'm trying to make is that if human life is rendered unsustainable, you'll only be prolonging the inevitable. If we go by the assumption that nuclear winter is impossible, then I am happy to agree with you that it does indeed matter.

2018-01-28 19:16:40 UTC  

ok that is fine, the problem i have is that the effects of the weapons have been exagerated and people believe that things are hopeless when there are small steps you can take to protect yourself

2018-01-28 19:16:45 UTC  

I am perfectly happy to assume the medicine does what science has established it does, so you don't have to quote the study on this for my sake. I would probably stock up on it myself, if things turn more dire in the near future.

2018-01-28 19:17:05 UTC  

in global poltics that is

2018-01-28 19:17:46 UTC  

I think that is a perfectly valid way to look at the situation @Deleted User

2018-01-28 19:18:03 UTC  

fair enough

2018-01-28 19:18:30 UTC  

but if you see a mushroom cloud and it is smaller than your thumb...

2018-01-28 19:19:18 UTC  

I honestly have no idea what the strength of currently employed nuclear weapons are, or if they could indeed cause a nuclear winter, or even how many of them would be launched. I just thought the absurdity of the imagery of popping a pill against a shockwave was funny

2018-01-28 19:19:33 UTC  

totally agree that if you're just exposed to radiation, it would be wiser to use than not

2018-01-28 19:20:20 UTC  


2018-01-28 19:40:12 UTC  

Scott Manley made (and is still ongoing I think) a series on The Science of Nuclear Bombs.

2018-01-28 19:41:07 UTC  

One of the things he points out is, how hard it is to make larger bombs. Basically, if the nuclear fuel gets vaporized and blasted away before it can detonate, it's all wasted.

2018-01-28 19:41:25 UTC  

So smaller nuclear bombs are more efficient.

2018-01-28 19:43:34 UTC  

One of the tricks is to wrap the fissile material into some very heavy metal. By sheer inertia, it keeps the nuclear material confined for "longer" so more of it can undergo fission.

2018-01-28 19:48:27 UTC  

when the last megaton bombs are dismantled, nuclear winter will probably be impossible

2018-01-28 19:50:18 UTC  

don't know what the sizes of the ones in Pakistan and North Korea are, but I don't think it's megaton+ since they've spent a relatively long time developing something as simple as what they have

2018-01-28 19:51:34 UTC  

unorganic chemistry professor I had at university called the NK scientists retarded, because of how long it took them to figure out how to make a basic nuke, lol

2018-01-28 19:53:27 UTC  

I think it was mostly the enrichment of uranium they had trouble with

2018-01-28 19:58:21 UTC  

He's probably a retard.

2018-01-28 19:58:46 UTC  

I still don't think NK developed shit, it was all supplied by Russia.

2018-01-28 19:59:17 UTC  

And it's not just the enrichment, making it go boom is also hard.

2018-01-28 19:59:24 UTC  

See the already mentioned series by Scott Manley.

2018-01-28 19:59:47 UTC  

He goes through all the known details about the early nuclear devices, then how they evolved.

2018-01-28 20:00:49 UTC  

There's even some bullshit on how to create a specific shape with explosive charges, using explosives of different detonation speeds, so all the shockwaves hit the nuclear material at the same time with a spherical shape.

2018-01-28 20:02:51 UTC  

Even on this first video, he talks about how some neutrons are just "too fast" to create a chain reaction.

2018-01-28 20:34:46 UTC  

`The 29-year-old said her "rights are being taken away" and darts accounts for 60% of her income.`

Checkmate Feminists

2018-01-28 20:51:07 UTC  


2018-01-28 21:00:16 UTC  

`I brought up the subject of painkillers with my gynecologist weeks before my surgery. She said that I would be given ibuprofen. β€œIs that it?” I asked. β€œThat’s what I take if I have a headache. The removal of an organ certainly deserves more.”

β€œThat’s all you will need,” she said, with the body confidence that comes from a lifetime of skiing in crisp, Alpine air.`