Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 426221745410801664

2018-03-22 01:27:01 UTC  

they are a bit to the left though

2018-03-22 01:27:09 UTC  

they might just ban

2018-03-22 01:35:54 UTC Liberals: BAN ALL GUNZ!!! Think of the children after all those school shootings!! They’re experts on scary black gunz and politics now. Fuck the right to bear arms!

Also liberals: Temporary travel banz!? Don’t you mean Muslim banz? Are you racist!? We’d be letting those poor brown people to die in those countries that you evil right wingers call “shitholes!” Fuck you, fuck yOu racist, cracker loving, inbred fascist!

2018-03-22 01:43:41 UTC  

haha wow! you impersonated those liberals really well it's like i was really talking to a liberal for a second there, haha

2018-03-22 02:30:44 UTC  

maybe if they all looked like this

2018-03-22 02:30:51 UTC

2018-03-22 02:31:00 UTC  

libshits would just fuck the fuck off

2018-03-22 03:28:18 UTC  

Nope, Australians tried that with a straight pull bolt action rifle that was bright orange

The AR-15 form factor made it look too much like an assault rifle, so after authorizing it for sale inside the borders they are now arranging a federal buyback program on the taxpayers dollar

2018-03-22 03:29:48 UTC  


2018-03-22 03:30:41 UTC  

There's a pistol store not far from me, I should pop down there and see what's actually available for purchase

2018-03-22 03:31:23 UTC  

Do it

2018-03-22 03:31:27 UTC  

huh, they're even selling a DEagle for $1990

2018-03-22 03:31:41 UTC  

ugliest looking DEagle ever though

2018-03-22 03:32:01 UTC  

You got a picture of it?

2018-03-22 03:32:28 UTC

2018-03-22 03:32:42 UTC  


2018-03-22 03:32:45 UTC  

I know.

2018-03-22 03:32:47 UTC  

I know.

2018-03-22 03:32:47 UTC  

What in the fuck

2018-03-22 03:33:02 UTC  

It's like someone saw that $100 pistol and went "I can do worse than that"

2018-03-22 03:33:05 UTC  

A hot pink gun looks better

2018-03-22 03:33:21 UTC  

Just make the gun shaped like a dildo then. Replace the trigger with balls. Squeeze the balls, bullet comes out.

2018-03-22 03:34:51 UTC  

Might lead to an increase in suicides among leftists though

2018-03-22 03:35:22 UTC  

All guns do

2018-03-22 03:35:43 UTC  

Guns are a leftists kryptonite

2018-03-22 03:52:58 UTC  

haha yes, liberals/leftists hate guns and government that's very small. they do not like those things! what they like is sex, yes, they enjoy penis and this is funny because spot the hypocrisy? small government, yet small benis. see that in the sky ? it's dave rubin spinning like attack helicopter, which is how he identifies

2018-03-22 03:53:17 UTC  

( the key to this is that dave rubin is really a human but he says he's an attack helicopter, he says that )

2018-03-22 03:57:55 UTC  

just penned some ideas on how we take back jokes from the comedy marxists, here's one i came up with :

liberal: austin bombing is what happened

conservative: what if the bomber is female but with a penis?

liberal: bombing is good

2018-03-22 04:02:23 UTC  

My point was that the weapons pictured above were gay.

2018-03-22 07:37:13 UTC  

Damo is a bit of a weird one.

2018-03-22 07:37:14 UTC  


2018-03-22 07:37:34 UTC  

`Nurses and midwives around the country must now adhere to a new code of conduct with a section specifically dedicated to “culture” and which details white Australians’ inherent privilege “in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders”.

The new code, which came into effect in March, has been labelled “eye-watering”, “cultural madness” and “unacceptable”. A peak body representing nurses in Queensland is even calling for the chairman of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia to be sacked over it.`

2018-03-22 07:37:45 UTC  

At least there's some pushback on it


2018-03-22 10:36:00 UTC  

>He had previously been convicted of assaulting a woman in Greece, but was released from prison early.

2018-03-22 10:36:23 UTC  

>Hussein K., who confessed to the crime, came to Germany in 2015 where he registered an Afghan minor. However, the homicide investigation has turned up a number of irregularities – it turned out that Hussein was born in Iran, not Afghanistan, and that he could be as old as 32.

2018-03-22 10:36:52 UTC  

>Hussein had been convicted of assaulting a woman on the Greek island of Corfu in 2013. He had been given a 10-year jail term, but was released just a year later due to overcrowded prisons.

2018-03-22 10:37:15 UTC  

So that's how Greece takes revenge on the EU, huh?