Message from @Warp Dukat

Discord ID: 560614064456466434

2019-03-27 23:01:40 UTC  

Watermelon too

2019-03-27 23:06:24 UTC  

half assed hijabs, further enraging the muslims <:pepe_smile:378719407977005068>

2019-03-27 23:06:37 UTC  

they are celebrating a "terrorist attack"

Hijab is for covering hair....

2019-03-27 23:07:14 UTC  

They're just showing solidarity, not actually attempting to abide to the koran

2019-03-27 23:07:43 UTC  

worthless virtue signaling alienating the own population, I like it

2019-03-27 23:08:52 UTC  

I wouldn't see it as virtue signalling. NZ is a country where not much happens, and suddenly a terrible terrorist attack happens in the peaceful country.

2019-03-27 23:09:02 UTC  

getting over shit isn't helped when it gets brought back up every day

2019-03-27 23:09:04 UTC  

they deserve more attacks to be honest

2019-03-27 23:10:44 UTC  

Yeh, I don't see what's wrong with that

2019-03-27 23:11:00 UTC  

Its a cute roleplay. Tim Pool just uploaded a video muslim protesting LBGTBBQ

Trump Tower has thebest Taco bowls

2019-03-27 23:11:21 UTC  

well they had demanded the head of trump on a spike if he did show up in a sombrero

2019-03-27 23:23:19 UTC  

@Holy Intersectional Inquisition she looks like a skeleton

2019-03-27 23:23:59 UTC  


2019-03-28 00:13:08 UTC  

holy shit

2019-03-28 00:13:11 UTC  

2019-03-28 00:50:24 UTC  

Watch as the white nationalists move over to the Hotep groups and start shilling for 'black ethnostates'

2019-03-28 00:51:02 UTC  

"I'm not a white nationalist. I'm an *ally* now."

2019-03-28 01:20:20 UTC  

@Warp Dukat the worst part about illegals and voting is actually that they count towards the states electoral points

2019-03-28 01:21:32 UTC  

their kids will grow up and vote democrat legally though

2019-03-28 01:23:28 UTC  

a person that dont live in the US, the no voter ID stuff is mind boggling. when I want to vote I need one government approved ID and my voting card or I dont get to vote

2019-03-28 01:27:24 UTC  

but @Nordhand , niggers and spics are too dumb to get ID

2019-03-28 01:27:27 UTC  


2019-03-28 01:30:53 UTC  

if you are to dumb to get a ID you are to dumb to vote as well.

2019-03-28 01:32:26 UTC  

@Cody which is why its trump implememnted the census changes.
Also the 14th (birth right citizenship) doesn't apply to illegal aliens

2019-03-28 01:32:48 UTC  

SCOTUS seriously needs to rule and confirm this already

2019-03-28 01:32:57 UTC  

But after RGB is replaced

2019-03-28 01:33:14 UTC  

that'd be pretty based

2019-03-28 01:36:00 UTC  

I find it suspicious that no one have seen RGB since November irr

2019-03-28 01:36:14 UTC  

who wouldn't?

2019-03-28 01:38:10 UTC  

She's back in testing getting her alien DNA treatments

2019-03-28 01:40:33 UTC  

in this case I do think we have a better system here. as a supreme court judge you do not get appointed for life but retires at the age of 70. after that you can reside as a supreme court advisor. it makes sure you dont get a RGB situation

2019-03-28 01:41:15 UTC  

I want age limits, and the ability to impeach