Message from @The Real Kaivik
Discord ID: 426754422664724500
and yeah
been tweeting for hours
You have to be autistic to do something as stupid as that
This is what happens when strive away from god’s light each day
We got a new one boys and girls
I think he'S reaching critical mass
@meratrix soo much tism going on here my dude
Dusty is such a “tough” guy
like a molten toffee
roasted for about several years
under the flame of insignificance
He is a kike nigger faggot
Ima gonna call him “dickwhipped dusty” from now on
Good ole dickwhipped dusty
Dusty has terminal cancer
Aka leftism
Dusty IS terminal cancer
careful he might spread
Jew1: "that's offensive! police!"
Jew2: "nah it's not"
Jew1: "*that*'s offensive! youtube police!"
But @Reaps that’s why we should *gas all of them*
-alt right
I remember someone saying that was fake, by some comedian or something
Like that it was set up
@Trebjonn still a squirrel ?
the way he re enters the clip "hav some paddy power" cracks me up eventough it was quite brutal
What even is squirrel in Norwegian ?
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