Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 436507927575265283

2018-04-19 12:33:00 UTC  

You had to *search* for that?

cba to scroll

If Soros sent me my Pay Check maybe I would scroll

2018-04-19 12:34:25 UTC  

"You're falling into exactly the same trap Sam did, and I said to him 'Sam, no, we can be cleverer than that"

"Really, cleverer than *that*? how?"

"Let's ignore all the evidence"

"Ohhhh, ignore the evidence"

"Yeah, ignore that scientific mumbo-jumbo, let's just expose him for what he really is"

"Yeah - a *statistician*!"

"No, a racist"

"Yeaaah, that's what he is, a racist"

Evidence and Stats are obviously the most racist inventions the white man ever conseived

2018-04-19 12:36:31 UTC  

The truth hurts.

2018-04-19 12:37:20 UTC  

I guess I can understand why they’d assume you’re racist if you show them statistics.

Stats is just Data. If it's good Data

and all too often the data is watered down

not targeted

2018-04-19 12:39:43 UTC

An Alt-Righter is born. Godspeed ZACK from StarBucks

I doubt he has a racist bone in his body

and they are shouting at him through a megaphone

just cus he works there

My friend does this. It's a Feminist group that highlights domestic Violence towards women. They block bridges and everyone hates them

2018-04-19 12:45:47 UTC  

I just don't get the way these people think

Blocking the busiest bridge in the City doesn't win you friends in turns out


2018-04-19 12:46:39 UTC  

I thought this was a counterprotest group that was going to go block in the people who blocked the bridge

2018-04-19 12:46:47 UTC  

Which would be hilarious in of itself

I went down to try to reason with her

2018-04-19 12:47:13 UTC  

So they want to reduce domestic violence

2018-04-19 12:47:17 UTC  

and increase 'immigration'

Guys get beat too

2018-04-19 12:47:32 UTC  

I'm surprised the chant '20 million is not enough' doesn't apply to both issues

and Lesbians have the highest average Domestic abuse

Point is there's a way to protest and blocking innocent people's way or shouting at the dude in starbucks ain't it

2018-04-19 12:49:29 UTC

2018-04-19 12:49:43 UTC  

The caption, thirty years from now: "Racists marching down London streets, circa 2017"

2018-04-19 12:54:55 UTC  

"you mentioned race"


"you attributed characteristics on the basis of race"

"statistical characteristics"

"*that's racism* professor, *you said it*"

"I was indicating factors that can be altered"

"Well that's social engineering, isn't that what Hitler did?"

"That's *not* social engineering"

"Well now you're an apologist for Hitler!"

2018-04-19 13:01:30 UTC  

```I am Japanese
I come from far across the seas
I think your land is very nice
But there's no way we will buy your rice

Your country here is very grand
So I keep on buying up your land
Half of Queensland I've now got
But me, I want the bloody lot

You may have beat us in the war
But I'll tell you now this thing for sure
Mitsubishi will always beat a Ford
Because the Yen is mightier than the sword```

2018-04-19 13:01:37 UTC  


The problem is feminism in this case

I tried to talk to her about it

Normally for me if she had a boyfriend that was hitting her

come to me I'll police my own

I'll hit him