Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 437689146673201162

2018-04-22 18:52:02 UTC  

I've had a few small incodents (rarley), but date rape was running wild in dance clubs, and the fights made no sence... you couldn't talk your way out of it.

2018-04-22 18:53:11 UTC  

Have you seen the video with Asian warski?

2018-04-22 18:54:17 UTC  

date rape is hard to police when girls are rolled outta their heads

2018-04-22 18:54:45 UTC  

also scene scum always rise to the top

2018-04-22 18:55:57 UTC  

All I can say is those clubs were nasty... just people looking to fight or fuck... at least I could meet people to chat about music in metal/rock bars.

2018-04-22 18:56:07 UTC  

"dare rape" <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

2018-04-22 18:56:19 UTC  

metal shows are not reall as violent as rap shows because metalheads dont generally pack heat to clubs

2018-04-22 18:56:46 UTC  

I wouldn't know... never went to a rap gig :/

2018-04-22 18:57:28 UTC  

theres nowhere else you can get the raw vocal prowess of good technical rap

2018-04-22 18:57:45 UTC  

I remember moshing at a Static X show

2018-04-22 18:57:54 UTC  

elbowed the bald guy next to me in the head

2018-04-22 18:58:07 UTC  

I would of loved to see ol' school Static X

2018-04-22 18:58:10 UTC  

I was like "fuck sorry man" and he was like "***NO WORRIES MATE***"

2018-04-22 18:58:14 UTC  

lol ya

2018-04-22 18:58:27 UTC  

i got socked in the nose, bleeding everywhere at Floater

2018-04-22 18:58:31 UTC  

lol... most metal heads are preety sweet.

2018-04-22 18:59:08 UTC  

guy pulled me out of the freegin pit to apologize and give me a cigarette and light it for me, and theres no smoking allowed in the venue

2018-04-22 19:00:02 UTC  

those kids really dont want you to actually get hurt very bad

2018-04-22 19:00:04 UTC  

I did artwork for metal bands for a while... I love the music, but I'm an introvert... eventually they wanted me to film the gigs. Never had any big problems that couldn't be resolved with "Chill out, I don't care".

2018-04-22 19:00:24 UTC  

filming gigs is fun, ive done it twice

2018-04-22 19:00:31 UTC  

sucks if the band isnt interesting

2018-04-22 19:00:41 UTC  


2018-04-22 19:01:33 UTC  

ive lugged sā€ ā€ ā€  for bands, made them merch with spraypaint, and eventually got paid to run merch booths or film but only on super rare occasion, i wont help for free anymore

2018-04-22 19:02:07 UTC  

its like a networking thing where they forget that i have my own stuff i work on im trying to do anything with

2018-04-22 19:02:17 UTC  

Erg... people in bands can have massive egos.... I avoid working for them now.

2018-04-22 19:02:28 UTC  

any ego is fine with pay šŸ˜„

2018-04-22 19:02:50 UTC  

I dunno... I've worked with some real shitters.

2018-04-22 19:02:53 UTC  

i am much more concerned with the level of unprofessionalism with people organizing gigs

2018-04-22 19:03:27 UTC  

well ego and causing conflict can be 2 different things

2018-04-22 19:03:50 UTC  

people with big egos can brag all they want but if they cross me i wont have time to deal with them

2018-04-22 19:04:22 UTC  

i like people who have exacting needs and demands, who can be blunt in their speech, who will tell me exactly what they want so i can sell it to them or whatever

2018-04-22 19:04:40 UTC  

i rather deal with an ego than a pushover

2018-04-22 19:05:19 UTC  

some of my heroes are known as huge assholes

2018-04-22 19:06:13 UTC  

being an unprofessional drug addict running a scam business is a problem involving more than ego

2018-04-22 19:06:26 UTC  

Doing visual artwork for someone is a bit different... They can view you as "The artist" (WTF?), then expect you to do everything in a stupid time frame... screw that. My half brother directed a few music videos... came to the same conclusion... shitters.

2018-04-22 19:07:25 UTC  

They throw half baked ideas at you and you have to do everything for them... erg... fuck that.

2018-04-22 19:08:04 UTC  

He is gift that keeps giving

2018-04-22 19:08:31 UTC  

"leave the man alone, he's obviosely an idiot".

2018-04-22 19:08:40 UTC  

Im confused