Message from @Fulcrum010
Discord ID: 451800440472993793
Is it 4real?
If I was the motorsyklist I would sue hard
The reasoning is bullshit you dont set up fishing line in such a manner as a joke if you have some IQ, og they get off scotfrée they should be labeled as retards in the system
I blame female privilege
Sargon of Akkad and Peter Boss-Hogg?
If it was boy he would be juvenilee detention
not processed but i hope their parents ground them for life
15 they should know what thats stupid
with the dumbing down of education and parenting i wouldnt be shocked by idiocy
plus it is in washington state
Get fucked, land whales
i applaude them for dying for their own beliefs and convictoins
Being fat is unhealthy
i respect that
There is a midleground between fat and underweight... maybe its healthy?
Nah... that’s just a myth made up by the patriarchy
Who wants to give him special snowflake
I love my new pencils so much
How are they different from any other pencil? ם_0
he agreed with my shitposting
Seems like it's the side that faces the sun
Nice drawing
Wish I could draw except the last straw
@Baraban oh, I did that as a placeholder, to remind me of the location of the ears. I'm gonna fix them after the drawings done.
Those are, from left to right, 2B,3B,4B,6B,and 8B
I can use them to do the shading without the pain like before, and do them MUCH better.
The right is the old drawing.
The left is the old drawing redone with the new pencils