Message from @Fulcrum010

Discord ID: 453250738437619723

2018-06-04 17:25:43 UTC  

and that natives had murica first

2018-06-04 17:26:03 UTC  

If you want your white nations go purge #TheDarkies from north europe

2018-06-04 17:27:40 UTC  

This was fun

2018-06-04 17:28:03 UTC  

**Jesus Christ Lizard#1076** was cleansed from the server.

2018-06-04 17:28:36 UTC  

the jesus thing too

2018-06-04 17:28:53 UTC  

iirc the modern jesus was modelled after a prince or the son of a painter or something

2018-06-04 17:29:04 UTC  

or ancient ewan McGregor

2018-06-04 17:31:18 UTC  

What is "the modern jesus"?

2018-06-04 17:32:12 UTC  

the white faced light brown haired jesus that popped up circa renaissance

2018-06-04 17:32:29 UTC  

Alt-right (alt. CIAlt-right, salt-right, aut-right) is a fascist ideology whose adherents have achieved absolutely nothing of value, have no discernible skills or merit as human beings, and therefore put pride in their race above all other things (sound familiar). Their whiteness is the one thing that can never be taken away from them, yet also is the one thing that took no effort whatsoever to possess, thus giving them a completely undeserved sense of superiority over ethnic minority individuals, many of whom have accomplished far more than they ever will.

Despite having zero power or influence over real life politics, these sub-Nazi deadbeats have a significant online presence ready to thumb down YouTube videos on important topics such as female Ghostbusters and Mexican Spider-Man. This is their natural habitat, along with Twitter, where they can be found protesting against multiculturalism while masturbating to Japanese anime waifus in their avatars and expressing the opinion that immigration to the United States should have ended the second after their pasty ancestors arrived to ethnically cleanse the natives. It is sometimes said that the salt-right is the endpoint of the Republican party- its purest manifest form.

TL;TR: /pol/tards who are also normies

2018-06-04 17:32:33 UTC  

I think that was modelled after someone famous' sin

2018-06-04 17:32:41 UTC  


2018-06-04 17:33:38 UTC  

Too long too right

2018-06-04 17:34:29 UTC  

Renaissance isn't what I'd call modern, but okay. European artists represented Jesus as European.

2018-06-04 17:34:40 UTC  

You’re spending too much time on weird sites @franti

2018-06-04 17:34:49 UTC  

@Deleted User
You can't say much

2018-06-04 17:35:12 UTC  

It turns out Europe wasn't as diverse as SJWs like to claim.

2018-06-04 17:35:27 UTC  

How To Troll The Alt-Right
Point out that Donald Trump is a Zionist.
Mention that Hitler killed more white people than any Muslim.
Suggest they learn the languages of the future: Spanish and/or Arabic.
Point out that Paul Joseph Watson is a Zionist.
Advocate for Sharia law.
Point out that Christopher Hitchens was a Jew.
Show them that countries with a higher proportion of Muslims have a lower murder rate.
Ask why they hate Muslims, when no other people hate kikes, fags, womyn, and degenerates more than them.
Play rap music loudly.
Point out that The Matrix, the film that coined the term redpill was directed and written by trannies.
Call them a Shill or paid CTR opposition.
Say Disney films are better than anime. When they deny this, accuse them of being more loyal to asians than whites.
Point out the fact that jerking off to their loli animus is as equally degenerate as being gay, black, furry etc.
Show them that Russia had famines before Communism because Russia will always be a shithole.
Deny that Holodomor happened.
Say Stalin wasn't a Jew.
Say Donald Trump's family is Jewish.
Mention that blacks have bigger penises than whites.
Mention that the Jews are richer and more successful than they will ever be.
Mention that Azns are way smarter than them.
Mention Hitler's pro-Islam views.

2018-06-04 17:35:46 UTC  

Why are you pasting these walls of text?

2018-06-04 17:36:08 UTC  

Europe is diverse as fuck, but not skin wise

2018-06-04 17:36:37 UTC  

Some of them want white sharia tho

2018-06-04 17:36:47 UTC  

lol at the matrix

2018-06-04 17:37:06 UTC  

the wachowskies are strange people

2018-06-04 17:37:19 UTC  

Be politically correct.
Show them a picture or article of Donald Trump helping unprivileged communities.
Point out that Hitler believed capitalism was part of a Jewish conspiracy.
Point out Donald Trump has always considered David Duke a retard.
Share this video of their 'top scientist' jacking off.
Call them the right wing equivalent of Social Justice Warriors. Because they are.
Remind them Andrew Breitbart was Jewish.
Tell them that by starting WW2 Hitler effectively ended whatever imperial power Europe had left in the world.
Point out how the Roman Empire (not white btw) was only strengthened and enriched by foreign peoples it incorporated into itself.
Show them this.
Tell them their kind would have been killed in Aktion T4.
Remind them Obama's deported more illegal aliens than any other president.
Ask them to define their favorite words (ex. fascist, Zionist, Nazi). Like their left wing counter part, they have no idea what actual definition of the words are and are used as blanket terms for what they do and do not like.
Tell them the Romans killed Jesus.
Remind them who gave the Jews their own land and gave blacks equal rights
Call them a white supremacist (this oddly enough pisses them off)
Point out that Jesus and Hitler were Jewish
Remind them the "Master Race" lost WWII

2018-06-04 17:37:23 UTC  

Ok this is all

2018-06-04 17:37:35 UTC  

put that all into a google doc

2018-06-04 17:37:49 UTC  

or a github or something

2018-06-04 17:37:54 UTC  

so wr can have jt all on hand

2018-06-04 17:37:55 UTC  


2018-06-04 17:38:36 UTC  

Or just don't.

2018-06-04 17:39:45 UTC  

Some of those are quite good indeed

2018-06-04 17:40:52 UTC  

@Fulcrum010 Wich ones are your favourites?

2018-06-04 17:42:24 UTC  

Share the video of their top scientist jacking off
And the ones shitting on nazis

2018-06-04 17:42:54 UTC  

Plus, the ones comparing them to sjws and muslims

2018-06-04 17:44:15 UTC  

wtf are you guys talking about

2018-06-04 17:44:26 UTC  

@Fulcrum010 Remind them who gave the Jews their own land and gave blacks equal rights
This one is my favourite

2018-06-04 17:45:28 UTC  

The one about Hitler fucking up Europe's imperial power is true

2018-06-04 17:45:38 UTC  

And really interesting

2018-06-04 17:45:53 UTC  

Germany fucks *e v e r y t h i n g* up

2018-06-04 17:46:00 UTC  


2018-06-04 17:46:12 UTC  

Germany is a mistake