Message from @flyingfoxel
Discord ID: 454025887805997076
@Fulcrum010 did he, oh I guess he did, perhaps that's where I got the idea from
@EmEm I mean, it was a joke dude
Yeah, progressives love to call everyone alt right, but that doesn't mean that actual alt righters and white supremacists doesn't exists
The whole IT and Sexism ... we have at least one female programmer in each team. They get treated exactly the same as anyone else.
i mean, even i was called a Alt right nazi when i got booped on the head by some leftie on Gotland
and im a jew
Jewish AR Nazis are the *worst* though
Just because i was listening to a right wing party during the politic week
I have seen one instance of sexism in the IT industry and all the guys reported the guy before the chick could
luke come back to earth stop talking to yourself
Yeah, that's fucked up
it's sad
he came from behind and blammed me, But, didnt even bring a 1.50m girl down
@flyingfoxel lol I fucked up with my ats
@Deleted User
People don't like actual sexual assault
@Deleted User Debate me again
@Fulcrum010 exactly
Debate me bro
Who is @Deleted User?
some greyfag
Probably a random faggot
If I get to Black ... do I get a flying pyramid
Im sure augusto can give you a free helicopter ride
Look on Dankelfucks channel and you can see the chat with Aethelwulf video
@Deleted User
We 👏 don't 👏 care 👏 take 👏 your 👏 faggotry 👏 elsewhere
@Deleted User did you find some scat porn you like there?
lol Reddit-tier <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>
He said nigger? How can i recover?
My life is ruined
1,50m? you are a handy girl.
i bite
My aunt is also small (not that small) and she was always driving to Italy to get shoes for woman in her size.