Message from @YourFundamentalTheorum
Discord ID: 503827530642358293
I'm into politics again because of trump
and his twitter
you can tell trump watches a lot of WWE because he body-slammed all those BOOMERS
@Balgias i bet you fortnite dance
the only things i'm not a fan of are his pro-Israel cucking and bombing Syria.
past that, I'm still down with Trump
his tax cuts are only for rich
and >tfw no wall
Trump has literally been on WWE, rofl
>tfw she is not locked up
depends on how vapid their race denial is
Depends on who you are talking to, but usually ridicule followed by burying them in facts
yeah, im disappointed that hag will never see justice
@Asatru Artist - MD she's a literal satanist and we're fine with that
if he doesn't have the wall started by 2020, it could be a sticking point...
@Benis I was under the impression that you thought people get too far into the race realism stuff
if you have faith at all in anything you know she will
a functioning pair of eyes is enough evidence for differing race. but there's usually something more they mean
and yes I agree that it depends a lot who you're talking to
@Balgias I lost all faith a while ago
it's not happening 😄
I'm just saying it's not a good talking point all by itself
you should have listened
If life gives you lemons you turn to darker gods
I've had easier conversations with far leftists than some civnats
chaos - w40k
talking to civnats is just so painful
civnats are the original NPC's
" I would rather live around white people " " OHH SO YOU'RE SAYING YOU'RE A RACIST? " " I mean a little- blocked "
>race is skin deep
>we are all the same
>repeat 100 times
rip friend I've known for 3 years
@Benis Ah, in that case we're definitely in agreement. I don't think it's productive to just go around showing people scatter plots and not making any useful point.
btw there's a whole field of science dedicated to preventing AI from being racist
>tfw your scatter plots won't be popular at the IE conference <:nervous:359009898115104770>
those in-depth proofs are for -us- in order to sell us on the fact that we're on the right side of doing things for our people