Message from @Kingfish
Discord ID: 503828806197444609
>tfw your scatter plots won't be popular at the IE conference <:nervous:359009898115104770>
those in-depth proofs are for -us- in order to sell us on the fact that we're on the right side of doing things for our people
we need something else for normies
see we dont' need to convince normies that we're right
normies are lemmings imo
lemmings can be lead though
by us...
they'll follow the resources
sure, but they are also being led harder by ... them
gibs are powerful things <:sad:366743316475281408>
so it's the people in positions of power and influence, high IQ people in New York high-rises is what we need
I'm still not sold on the idea of non-gain tax -users- being unable to vote as a bad thing
sure that's really civnat of me but still
r8 my midnight snack
It's interesting the two sides of the NPC meme, those saying everyone is an npc, and those pointing out that everyone thinks anyone else is one. But I think the truth is somewhere in the middle
@johnnyc beer/10
sentience is a spectrum lol
I'm down with the "land owners only" style voting rights, as it at least means you have stake in the game
>Tfw we find out your level of sentience is determined by your souls experience-level
i'm INTP so there is no way you can claim i'm an NPC. @Deleted User therefore it'snot a spectrum because if it was a spectrum everybody would be an NPC to some degree, but i'm clearly a counterexample.
at this point, that might mean that only Chinese business owners could vote in America though. <:sad:366743316475281408>
@Asatru Artist - MD how about nobody votes and we just have a king?
Hail king JEB
eh, what if the king is a literal retard?
People with less popular opinions, whether those opinions are correct or not, are inherently probably not NPCs, since you had to get to that point on your own @Deleted User
or his kids...
>what are coups for
i watched one nick fuentes episode so im becoming catholic now @Kingfish
I mean, Antifa aren't NPCs
@johnnyc reeeeeeeeeeeee
Hell yeah
>worth listening to
I’m a Mithras cultist
they might have shitty reasons for believing what they believe, but it's not for lack of thinking
Lord, make me an instrument of your will. Where there is bread, may I get it.
IDK I've listened to catholics on AM radio up here and they're