Message from @Hotzendorf
Discord ID: 460104115272548352
nah it just makes it difficult to adjust if you have an existing transport network
but other than that, hyperloops make a lot of sense
>miles and miles of gigantic vacuum pipes across a tectonically active area
>make a lot of sense
better than track laid on the ground, my dude
having said that, still a valid concern
Do you realize there's a track inside the pipe?
but the track can be suspended within the inner tube, and the tube itself can be too with a combination of suspension systems and laser ranging from one point to another to measure tolerances
obviously if anything is going through the san andreas fault when it conks, it's not going to end well
It's a great idea unless you like constant potentially deadly incidents
the vacuum principle and the safety risks are all real
I get it's space age but it can work
Even if nobody dies when the tube collapses and 1 atmosphere of air comes rushing in, pumping the air all out again, takes a lot of time and energy.
It's extremely inefficient for the speed it gives
do you have figures to cite that hotzendorf?
defo interested to see them,
not to shit on them!
Mate you're talking about miles of huge vacuum tubes
thunderf00t did a good debunk video of Hyperloop, before he contracted TDS.
just it's not my area of expertise and I've not especially bothered looking at hard test data for elon's stuff,
idk if it's even been published yet
I do actually, but I also know if you're able to achieve seal without compromising passenger loading/offloads, you're effectively golden
it's primary issue is maintenance
You still have to pump all the air out
yes, if you have to attend the interior of the tube
Which is unrealistic and expensive
and then you have to pump it all out after
a lot of designers are advocating for compartment seals in the case of train emergencies, but again, that's a real complication as well
Even if it was built
It's going to be far more expensive to ride than a subway
if it's built, it's going to need a whole new approach to safety
Which we don't have
we do
we'll see I guess
I guess
but hermetic seals in a tube? yes, we can do that
The real issue is that it would cost too much