Message from @DanielKO
Discord ID: 460102904385110017
Can't say I'm mad they're taxing them to high hell
convince people to quit, or not start
I can, when the money isn't going to the NHS
it's going to the tobacco companies
falcon 10 prototypes
damn if only he'd remove the rest of the plastic covers
looks so sick
car seats?
march on rome with that shit
or seats for the hyperloop lol
Now that is a big black bloc.
they look comfy tho
Has Hyperloop been downgraded to a regular train, or is he still going on about vacuum tubes?
Why would it be a regular train?
Vaccum tubes are the whole point
Also the whole reason that makes it impractical.
nah it just makes it difficult to adjust if you have an existing transport network
but other than that, hyperloops make a lot of sense
better than track laid on the ground, my dude
having said that, still a valid concern
Do you realize there's a track inside the pipe?
but the track can be suspended within the inner tube, and the tube itself can be too with a combination of suspension systems and laser ranging from one point to another to measure tolerances
obviously if anything is going through the san andreas fault when it conks, it's not going to end well
It's a great idea unless you like constant potentially deadly incidents
the vacuum principle and the safety risks are all real
I get it's space age but it can work
Even if nobody dies when the tube collapses and 1 atmosphere of air comes rushing in, pumping the air all out again, takes a lot of time and energy.
It's extremely inefficient for the speed it gives
do you have figures to cite that hotzendorf?
defo interested to see them,
not to shit on them!
Mate you're talking about miles of huge vacuum tubes
thunderf00t did a good debunk video of Hyperloop, before he contracted TDS.
just it's not my area of expertise and I've not especially bothered looking at hard test data for elon's stuff,
Do you know how much energy it takes to make vacuums?
idk if it's even been published yet