Message from @Osbornia
Discord ID: 460551475295420427
even if they dont use G11s thats still fucking cool
@Ruggwain It'd be great if erdogan wins
use that as an excuse to invade turkey and drive all the turks back to asia
@franti morning joe is fake news
he killed his intern
Things are getting spicy with America's border crisis
@Deleted User
Turkey will give everyone an excuse to everyone invade them soon
everyones getting salty
but by all rights
america is a good sport about its borders
They don't have rights
australia shoots the fucking migrant boats out the water
@Fulcrum010 turks love getting dominated
nobody complains about that
The migrants get food, a juice box and a bed
for america atleast
First things first
Purges on Cyprus
@meratrix we're retaking Selânik and expelling greek filth from Atatürk's birthplace and rightful turkish land
I'm surprised they aren't shot tbh
The way things are
@Ruggwain go back to asia faggot
no rights + bringing in drugs and broken families with little to no benefits
Has nothing to do with ethnicity, which most people fall towards when the real facts hit them
I know jab
but still
Americans are so fucking disconnected
well leftie americans
ThInK oF ThE ChIlDrEn
back in the real world
Illegal border crossers are given a warning
and then shot if they dont turn back
No responsibility of the individual
America is light on crossers