Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 486982968926011392
really late
im autistic so forgive me
lol front hole
this is satire right?
no <:pepe_sad:378719408345841664>
wth is healthline California based healthcare advisers
and to make it worse, they do provide healthcare education for schools. Im guessing said education is not going to be biast as hell/s
Hey folks
**TeamMorden (FairuzaPride)#4778** was cleansed from the server.
Does anyone remember which Sargon video had the tiny little girl rapping in it? I remember he closed with her song instead of his Street fighter 2 theme in it.
**sm_sam_#5795** was cleansed from the server.
There is a new genre.. METALCUCKCORE
Thoughts, y'all?:
well ask the ANARCHO CAPITALIST they apparantly dont wanna pay taxes and believe roads will be build be private companies LMAO whaddaya guys think. isnt he a handsome gentleman he probably followed the social etiquette of 1967 video. make it easy for the ladies
jeff bezos probably doesnt even use all of that money for himself lol he probably does a huge amount to benefit other companies and lives
Elon musk should go MGTOW
HE already has tbh
he is the definition of MGTOW
lol at the cucks with no self respect that stayed at that tinder experiment how can you go on 300 dates within a fkg year
probably has no life
a date each day wtf
fkg PATHETIC Some word of advice to anyone that would cuck themselves
Anyone here watch the UFC?
Not me