Message from @NateDahl76
Discord ID: 505411087559294986
unconfirmed obviously, but this is supposedly the suspect's van
such an obvious patsy that it hurts
Trump better call out this nonsense
>native americans for trump
>top youth soccer recruits for trump
this is a literal joke
He’s just some crazy guy. Clearly not high IQ either
why is everyone making a big deal about some guy sending clocks through the mail?
Oh boy. Here we go
>not stupid
He’s actually an Indian wow
Yeah really 😂
@NateDahl76 going off the sticker?
Or confirmed
His last name is Sayoc and he’s a 56%er
So not confirmed perse
You're right
"White male in his 50s"
Legally they would define him as white male. Hell, the legal system even considers black pacific islanders white
Wow. Some media outlets are actually lightening this picture to make him appear more white.
And "Pablo Garcia"
I wish they would fix that in the reports.
@CarletonJ same thing they did to that YouTube shooter chick
And countless others
Always happens yeah
Why does his hair look painted on
this guy is exactly what we predicted. White male., obsessed with Trump, supposed example of the "fringe" that trump is violently encouraging, Qtard with quotes of Q posts as stickers on his car
dude is a caricature, 100% predicted
and yet, 50% of America is going to believe every word of the story
^ liberals
Normiecons have not been buying this and I doubt they'll suddenly change their minds
Ok I think he’s Phillipino
i see fewer and fewer people buying into this each passing day
If he's a 56%, he's not *really* anything
But he larps as an Indian
Well he *looks* 56%
Probably benefited
Most certainly
He’s involved with a couple companies with “Native American” in the name