Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 490792936888336404
make them choose, are you guys a publisher then behave like one. or a service provider and enjoy the legal immunity that you get from been one
Oh but of course, the ideal amount of sleep is <:gay:382982146249326612>
The (Keynesian) Economist.
Forced homosexuality
Following a March 4, 2004, lecture on time preference at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), a student complained that Hoppe created a hostile classroom environment by stating that homosexuals tend to be more shortsighted than heterosexuals in their ability to save money and plan (economically) for the future, in part because they tend not to have children. Hoppe also suggested that John Maynard Keynes's homosexuality might explain his economic views, with which Hoppe disagreed.
Hoppe is woke
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] Snapchat?
Hoppe is love. Hoppe is life. Hoppe is hope for the future and a low time preference.
The Dalai Lama needs merch
@M4Gunner you got a LIOSENCE for that
@Deleted User /r/CringeAnarchy is where I saw it
lol @Ruggwain get fucked
the entire twitter chain is extreme virtue thronk
@Deleted User replace white with black and see what happens
it's crazy
i wouldn't have believed it 10 years ago, hell, even five years ago.
i can think of one single white guy
but i doubt that was her concern
i installed two systems to run at the same time, one running hot, and one cold, it feels much better than the window method you spoke of.
stealth incels, engaging in 24/7 raid ops
we wouldn't need all these fancy machines if we brought back slave girls that manually fanned you with comically sized fans. fucking liberals...
oh, well then we forgive them
imagine him crawling across the ceiling
like spiderman, dropping bukakes down on the wahmen
@What Would Jack Conte Do? well thats just nature. of course the incels become predatory. its the system. cause each incel is forced to conform
its just nature that gets them crawling on ceilings
and dropping bukakes
on wahmen
and glowing in the dark
my god, what has feminism done