Message from @MEE6
Discord ID: 492666542299807764
Great Welcomes
There is a brain in there <:ohsargon:451135765368274954>
How interesting is this place?
who is at the top of hierarchy?
Elon Musk
i meant on this server
It's a Meritocracy
so this is sargons server?
Sargon's a boomer. No boomers allowed.
If you think Sargon's scary imagine what's here
Times had been tough for the entire family. Throughout the war, the rations were decreasing ever so much, to the point of one meal a day at most. There were four in the family; formerly 6, until Grandpa and Grandma passed away a year ago. Though those losses were sad, it was perhaps for the best considering the hellscape that the family was now in. However, trying to explain it to the kids, the youngest being 3-year old Johny, was near impossible. They couldn't seem to grasp why they were eating so little and growing so thin.
On one fateful night, however, Johny was extremely hungry. He had chosen to sneak into the kitchen to grab whatever he could. He knew his papa would be mad if he found out, but he no longer was able to care. As he tip-toed into the kitchen, trying his best to cause no disruption, he searched the drawers until he found one of the only morsels of food left in the house: sugar. He had grabbed a handful, but to his dismay and his worst nightmare, he heard footsteps. There was no point in trying to run. He knew he was in trouble.
Papa soon came out of the hallway, exclaiming "Johny, Johny?" The child then responded in as innocent of a manner as his brain could process, "Yes Papa," hoping he had covered his tracks enough by the time Papa had found him. He was able to put away the bowl of sugar in time, however some remained on his tongue, seemingly unable to dissolve. His father sighed, already knowing the truth, but he felt the need to ask anyway. "Eating Sugar?" he said in his calmest voice. It was four-o-clock in the morning, after all. Johny already knew it was too late. He tried to recover as much of his pride as he could, and responded with a firm
"No, Papa." Papa, of course, knew that Johny was lying. He knew that he would have to brand Johny again, as unfortunately that was his only method of getting Johny to stop. "Telling lies?!" Papa exclaimed, whilst trying not to wake the rest of the family. He felt that he could turn this into a teaching moment. Perhaps he could teach Johny to no longer lie. "N-n-no, Papa.." the child muttered. Johny knew the punishment. "Open your mouth," Father exclaimed. Johny did, and tried to laugh to lighten the mood. Papa then said, "Well, Johny. You know I don't like to do this, but it's the only way you'll ever learn. Once times get better, I can promise you that you may have as much sugar as you please." Hesitantly, as he knew he had to, Papa pulled out the branding iron. Sobs came from both sides
Kids... who'd have them eh?
Not wamen.
:dollar:** Support Sargon of Akkad on Maker support and Patreon!** :dollar:
Interview with the "journalist" who wrote the paper
we dont like it when you bust the lies and bullshit we are trying to make people belive
I can't help it
was not that paper a big fat lie, as he did just drew lines between anyone that had spoke to each other on twitter and so forth, not considerate what they was speaking about and then painted them all Nazis?
"In your report, you mention that Sargon of Akkad built his following based on his videos about feminism in gaming. Now, he calls himself a βclassical liberalβ and talks about identity politics, the alt-right and is anti-progressive. He criticizes Black Lives Matter, the #MeToo movement and other mainstream topics in progressive politics. How did he move into the alt-right arena?"
he did not move, it was you guys that did move so far left that you soon are hitting Jupiter
alt-right is anyone i dont agree with
it so fluid now it dont mean shit
He alludes that white nationalism and white supremacy are identity politics for white people. That is a false equivalency in and of itself.
even jordan peterson is called alt-right
Seriously, read that article. Holy shit.
Chinese people are White now. We said it would happen
the Chinese don't give two rats asses about the Baizuo feeling when it one of there kids they are dead