Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 609101396666744859

I'd probably get arrested if I carried a hammer or a brick down the street

my bike lock which I won't get arrested for, is probably worse

2019-08-08 19:01:55 UTC  

and here Im standing in my garden with a machete to clear out overgrown shit that have been left alone for ages

2019-08-08 19:03:02 UTC  

john vore

ah but if I dropped a nuke on your machete it would be vapourised

I'm not sure my bike lock would be


2019-08-08 19:04:21 UTC  

well but we both know they ban it soon as it making life for the criminals to hard

mate I think it was in AUS

you have guys with a padlock on can bandana or a hankercheif

2019-08-08 19:07:48 UTC  

My bicycle is not the most expensive

2019-08-08 19:08:08 UTC  

But it is decked out with hydraulic breaks and a different derallieur

2019-08-08 19:08:31 UTC  

It does not appear as expensive, but it is more expensive than it looks

2019-08-08 19:09:19 UTC  

I guess if the bicycle thief will recognise the worth of it they would be wanting it

2019-08-08 19:09:42 UTC  

But otherwise it is not appealing, just a regular thing

Yeah I've got disc breaks that look like they belong on a motorcycle.

It's a shithead magnet

In Bristol people duct tape their frames to make their bike look more shit than it actually is


2019-08-08 19:11:29 UTC  


I'm there with original paint, upgraded brakes that come off a Downhill bike

oh and a BIG boye lock

and I don't look like I'm riding around on a turd

I know what I prefer

cus I've seen someone duct tape a Β£2000 frame

and it's SAD

and it's not MAGA

2019-08-08 19:15:09 UTC  

and where I live you can leave most bikes alone unlocked and it will still be there.

2019-08-08 19:16:12 UTC  

the only time you need to lock it up, is when glyphs and such passes by

Bristol is a warzone in terms of bike theft

The insurance documents for my lock refer to Tottenham in North London (where the football team is)

Head for head, population divided by crime

Bristol is worse than Tottenham


2019-08-08 19:19:16 UTC  

so all the hipsters cant help them self to steal your bike

no, in this case

we have to be fair.

Bristol has more bikes

but the up to Β£10k pay out on the insurance refers to Tottenham

not Bristol