Message from @MountainMan

Discord ID: 609100545436942376

generally just bending them over my knee

works just fine

2019-08-08 18:57:52 UTC  

The left are violent, but the right are effective

It's like Jeremy The Quartering. He said he's allowed his pistol concealed carry

but he's not allowed a taser


2019-08-08 19:00:13 UTC  

giving some asshole the shock of his life is bad but mag dumping him in the chest is just fine

I'd probably get arrested if I carried a hammer or a brick down the street

my bike lock which I won't get arrested for, is probably worse

2019-08-08 19:01:55 UTC  

and here Im standing in my garden with a machete to clear out overgrown shit that have been left alone for ages

2019-08-08 19:03:02 UTC  

john vore

ah but if I dropped a nuke on your machete it would be vapourised

I'm not sure my bike lock would be


2019-08-08 19:04:21 UTC  

well but we both know they ban it soon as it making life for the criminals to hard

mate I think it was in AUS

you have guys with a padlock on can bandana or a hankercheif

2019-08-08 19:07:48 UTC  

My bicycle is not the most expensive

2019-08-08 19:08:08 UTC  

But it is decked out with hydraulic breaks and a different derallieur

2019-08-08 19:08:31 UTC  

It does not appear as expensive, but it is more expensive than it looks

2019-08-08 19:09:19 UTC  

I guess if the bicycle thief will recognise the worth of it they would be wanting it

2019-08-08 19:09:42 UTC  

But otherwise it is not appealing, just a regular thing

Yeah I've got disc breaks that look like they belong on a motorcycle.

It's a shithead magnet

In Bristol people duct tape their frames to make their bike look more shit than it actually is


2019-08-08 19:11:29 UTC  


I'm there with original paint, upgraded brakes that come off a Downhill bike

oh and a BIG boye lock

and I don't look like I'm riding around on a turd

I know what I prefer

cus I've seen someone duct tape a Β£2000 frame

and it's SAD

and it's not MAGA

2019-08-08 19:15:09 UTC  

and where I live you can leave most bikes alone unlocked and it will still be there.

2019-08-08 19:16:12 UTC  

the only time you need to lock it up, is when glyphs and such passes by

Bristol is a warzone in terms of bike theft

The insurance documents for my lock refer to Tottenham in North London (where the football team is)

Head for head, population divided by crime