Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 508164124220325899
what are we talking bout now
Tf the structure is moveable ?
let me see if I can find a pic
@Logan they look like they've had a few drinks and they still don't give a fuck
the title of that piece of art is also hilarious
What's it called?
And why is everything so cryptic?
"The letter to the turkish sultan"
@Flint this is probably Kazakhstan or China because there wasn't McDonald's in Kyrgyzstan
you could pretty much extrapolate the content of that letter from the picture
What a rowdy looking bunch of guys, I would not be comfortable in their company
i mean
if you understand what Cossacks are originaly
this would not surprise you
Conan the Barbarian levels of deceit
Cossacks were originally runaway peasants that settled on the frontiers and borders
because there would be no wealthy landowners in those parts
Fuck yes I found that phoenix pic
Show the pic
and the govt of russia at first tried to capture some of them. but then they made a deal where they would protect the borders in exchange for freedom
I scrolled up, didn't see anything offhand
so they were basically peasants that were very tough and basically were vassals of the russian tsar
Just when I think I know history, you fellas bring me back down to earth
over time, they transformed into a more organized fighting force and became a crucial fighting unit of the cavalry
Cossacks exist even today
in fact, they are very right wing
I don't know Russian history at all outside of 1918 onward (and even then...)
The world's a big place...
their most famous stunt from the last decade is when they whipped Pussy Riot with whips during the Sochi olympics
Oh, that's them? I love those guys!
based and redpilled
For anyone who has visited Kazakstahn, this is one of their ornamental gardens in Astana.
They should have consulted the painting
@guacmerchant that's cool, how do you know so much about the land of Borat?
@guacmerchant Wow, that looks pretty 60's scifi futuristic