Message from @shinjitsu
Discord ID: 448902740601733140
European imperialism wins again
Asians have a good traditional culture many times
That’s why many MGTOWs will only settle@for Asian women
This is true
First correct thing he’s said all day
I do envy the ethnonationalism Asians have
Imagine owning that shirt
If America goes to shit beyond repair I am leaving for japan
I'd go to Eastern Europe
Lanius correct yet again
Im leaving for my home country
Eastern Europe is a shit show
Yes and no
Polynesian Islands? @IAmHiding
If you live in Western Ukraine sure
Even eastern Ukraine
MGTOWs have an incredibly disciplined world view often. You don’t get there without serious contemplation
It’s just pro Russia there
No need for such hatred toward them
Ill move to hawaii
But if you live in Prague or Warsaw it's probably nicer than some north american cities
Ill get there by sailboat
By myself
Russia is our number one geopolitical adversary, just as Romney predicted almost a decade ago
And when the West is literally Brazil it won't look that bad
Russia is not at all in any way shape or form our number one geopolitical adversary
Just as Huntington predicted 2 decades ago
burger time
I don’t know why we never try regime switching instead of building
If England goes to shit-were already close go to Wales or NI