Message from @Arrow
Discord ID: 449777405465329665
BF1942 doesn't have swastikas nor does BF1943
I don't really care
For swastikas
Bf has always been goofy
Han solo comes out
It's gonna tank at box office I've heard
They rushed star wars and SJW'd it and raped it
They made Lando Pansexual
They're burning everything George Lucas made to the ground
@Simon Scola It's so much better!
This is a new kind of ridiculous
The only time a game should really try to break historical accuracy is to make the game more fun and for gameplay
Unless it doesn't matter
Battlefield needs to go back to 1 gamemode
@ChillS Honestly, it'd be a shame if we did form at least a temp alliance in our mutual hatred of zionism
you try putting up with the guy
hes literally 50 iq
i couldnt larp for more than 20 min
cannon fodder isn't the valuable stuff
it is actually painful
but it's useful
Yea... I'm not saying i volunteer, more like "hey guys... one of yall should try and pull it off"
someone with infinte patience
but on the whole: they say we're literally hitler, they actually are ironically hitler.... maybe a meme would do
Hey nibbas
Morning king
Where are the fellas tonight?
rite here
@Bolsonaro hey