Message from @xxZmija
Discord ID: 449775894165323776
And if they were, it was a SMALL minority
nurses used to be cute af too
Yeah now they just hire anyone to be a nurse
preferably a disgruntled minority who will abuse the elderly
vidya gaemz are degenerate
gas all game devs
I'm prob gonna buy bf5
"But there's women and no swastikas, its not historically accurate"
Nigga when has battlefield been accurate?
The only accurate bf game there is, is 1
There's a threshold though
It's also coincidentally the only good one they've made
Battlefield 1 didn't pander to anyone and it was great
There's no bf game even ww2 don t even have swastikas
That have*
Yeah it's quite pussy of game developers
BF1942 doesn't have swastikas nor does BF1943
I don't really care
For swastikas
Bf has always been goofy
It's gonna tank at box office I've heard
They rushed star wars and SJW'd it and raped it
They made Lando Pansexual
They're burning everything George Lucas made to the ground
@Simon Scola It's so much better!
This is a new kind of ridiculous
The only time a game should really try to break historical accuracy is to make the game more fun and for gameplay
Unless it doesn't matter
Battlefield needs to go back to 1 gamemode
Battlefield needs to go back to actual battlefields
@ChillS Honestly, it'd be a shame if we did form at least a temp alliance in our mutual hatred of zionism
you try putting up with the guy