Message from @Whiskey-Vargas
Discord ID: 418897420978618368
Doing a quick Q&A about the recent censorship and what could be next.
Damn I missed it
Do we have anybody that lives in Atlanta here?
The black hole of the black pill consumes me.
Anyone that live in Palm Springs?
I'm trying to organize something in Atlanta.
Um, I just want some friends.
Who also want to eradicate the negro?
boi they need a whole month to know what they did
I don't I have black friends. just put them in a "happy" camp
I have a feeling this won't be parody within 50 years
satire rather
I just want right wing friends in my area. It's too much to ask I'm finding. There are libertarian groups but they're cucked.
whiskey you said you live in Atlanta?
I sympathize. When General Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground they shouldn't have rebuilt it.
Haha. :(
I live in AZ but I can consult Army buddies
Not enough based darkies like me there?
I like Georgia, not Atlanta
No twinny. Only That Guy T. I haven't reached out to him yet.
T seems like a great dude
@Grump The Horrible you said AZ so which is it?
Yeah, but isn't he a fedora also?
Is he?
I have been to Atlanta for a week. I live in AZ, however I know people in that area I can ask them.
That's what I saw the last time I looked at his account
I am also a few bourbon's in atm
I finished my Calculus HW and am relaxing
yeah he's an atheist
That would be nice. Thank you. Tell them to check out Question Most Things since he has a channel and if they would like to go to a meet up. If they have social media accounts, I can ask them myself.
I wish there were folks in NY so we could do a meetup
what part of NY?
I live 40 minutes by train from NYC