Message from @Litinit

Discord ID: 581437922092253185

2019-05-01 16:13:05 UTC  

randal carlson was very interesting

2019-05-03 06:50:35 UTC  

Once I figured out that Joe Rogan can't say one sentence without the F-bomb in it, the only thing I noticed was that everything he was saying was just decorations around the F word. It's a verbal tic that makes him sound really stupid and it's unusable by the mass media for example. unquotable.

2019-05-03 06:52:27 UTC  

i used to think joe rogan was a smart, cool, and manly dude

2019-05-03 08:32:19 UTC  

but have you done dmt?

2019-05-03 08:33:30 UTC  

Jamie, can you pull that article up for me?

2019-05-10 23:48:51 UTC

2019-05-16 18:30:32 UTC  
2019-05-19 23:03:12 UTC  

Hey @Regular Viewer , **Get a Job** Has Posted more AMAZING content Check it out ASAP!

2019-05-20 07:22:05 UTC  
2019-05-20 19:59:28 UTC  
2019-05-22 23:32:59 UTC

2019-06-08 19:06:10 UTC

The first half of Tucker's show was savage

2019-06-09 06:19:14 UTC  

Transgender Animal Rights

2019-06-10 15:27:35 UTC  

Hey @Regular Viewer , **Get a Job** Has Posted more AMAZING content Check it out ASAP!

2019-06-16 14:30:32 UTC  

if u want google accept everyone then you must want conservative cake shops to sell cakes to homosexuals without option of choice...

2019-06-16 14:36:47 UTC  

it's all about $$$

2019-06-16 15:52:08 UTC  

I say we just send the Navy seals in there to take it over to make things easy.

2019-06-16 15:53:26 UTC  

Hostile government takeover, Google doesn't believe in guns so it will be easy.

2019-06-16 16:42:50 UTC  

google doesnt make laws tho... ppl who choose to use their service does however.. its not the company it's the users who are the problem xD... a place like youtube was never meant to be like it is, google monopolized advertising... it's all about advertising, and now that people have created a life around making money through this advertising, theyve also built a company on a fragile foundation... now that these channels are fighting back to get back advertising by forcing google... policies will be past using this style of "conservatives" fighting for freedom of choice/speech, but at the same time also making like this for all private companies.. crowder fighting for google advertisement is the same thing as gays fighting for rights to have cakes made by conservatives who dont want to make them the cake... if any policies get passed allowing yt channels to get their way, then they will also be passed for other companies for consumers to get their way..

2019-06-16 16:44:04 UTC  

private companies taking away advertising is freedom of speech ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

2019-06-16 17:34:16 UTC  

i agree, i was joking like if the government takes over youtube i won't have to find another way to get my media๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2019-06-16 17:45:16 UTC  


2019-06-16 17:45:50 UTC  

people who make laws based on social interactions on social sites = new level of socialism

2019-06-16 17:47:39 UTC  

definitely wouldn't be good.
i bet youtube won't stick to their guns on this though, someone is always about to be "banned" on youtube

2019-06-16 17:51:34 UTC  

i'm pretty much retarded though

2019-06-16 17:58:53 UTC  

no matter what their beliefs and goals are. they worship the $ maybe even unconsciously worship it. not noticing it as the process is put to the background of the mind since at a young age we were donctrined for the money system... a person who knows how to build all the things needed, needs no money... until taxes comes around the irs put the force on ya