Message from @Jejune
Discord ID: 603982547231178765
@mattforney Bought me some chaga from the link on your YT. Looking forward to the stuff! You give it high praise and I trust your judgement.
@nevercold cool I'll let them know
Looking forward to listening to this spencer pod
McAfee has been arrested
it's on
This is very gay
They tried to take him while he was in Havana
There was gunfire and they got away
I can't talk in waiting room!
This map will piss off bryden
Richard Spencer's gf name sounds like a Bobobo fanfic OC
Drone footages of Epstein Island
@Jejune we need to lure Owen Benjamin and Jim Goad into a confrontation that will destroy them both
Show Goad the Terror House article about Owen
He’ll find Owen on his own
Benjamin vs. Goad: Unstoppable Retardation Meets Immovable Idiocy
I think Benjamin would beat him
Goad's ability to improvise is nonexistent. when he attacks people he just repeats himself constantly, and when forced off-guard, he interjects by daring people to take a lie detector test or make a bet
Benjamin is quicker on his feet mentally because he has had 20 fewer years of destroying his brain with drugs
What is it about the Internet and crazy people
They always rise to the top
@Jejune Isn't Bobobo the character with the nose hair? Damn, that takes me back
Yep, that's the anime
👍Hilarious stuff
I searched your message history guys
Slightly obsessed with this chick huh?
I also looked at her Twitter
Larpy af
But mostly I think you guys are distracted by her and honestly focusing more on your pagan goddess sex fantasies than anything godly you might otherwise talk about. So that's +1 to the pagan attention whore
You talking about Hadron? That all could be a component, but I think it's more a combination she's a big lolcow in a small farm and because Aurini endorsed her it's funny to take potshots at her.
BREAKING NEWS: Styx is straight
he gay 😂
She’s cute, good for him