Message from @balaclavaman
Discord ID: 604035006955782168
They tried to take him while he was in Havana
There was gunfire and they got away
I can't talk in waiting room!
This map will piss off bryden
Richard Spencer's gf name sounds like a Bobobo fanfic OC
Drone footages of Epstein Island "What do you think about Jim Goad"
@Jejune we need to lure Owen Benjamin and Jim Goad into a confrontation that will destroy them both
Show Goad the Terror House article about Owen
He’ll find Owen on his own
Benjamin vs. Goad: Unstoppable Retardation Meets Immovable Idiocy
I think Benjamin would beat him
Goad's ability to improvise is nonexistent. when he attacks people he just repeats himself constantly, and when forced off-guard, he interjects by daring people to take a lie detector test or make a bet
Benjamin is quicker on his feet mentally because he has had 20 fewer years of destroying his brain with drugs
They always rise to the top
@Jejune Isn't Bobobo the character with the nose hair? Damn, that takes me back
Yep, that's the anime
👍Hilarious stuff
I searched your message history guys
Slightly obsessed with this chick huh?
I also looked at her Twitter
Larpy af
But mostly I think you guys are distracted by her and honestly focusing more on your pagan goddess sex fantasies than anything godly you might otherwise talk about. So that's +1 to the pagan attention whore
You talking about Hadron? That all could be a component, but I think it's more a combination she's a big lolcow in a small farm and because Aurini endorsed her it's funny to take potshots at her.
BREAKING NEWS: Styx is straight
he gay 😂
She’s cute, good for him
How he got her
not hating
I do not know
Credit where credit is due
he's a famous youtuber, that's how
though I couldn't think of a shittier honeymoon destination than Amsterdam