Message from @An Admirable Admiral

Discord ID: 303304754313035777

2017-04-16 23:03:20 UTC  

Yeah, hanging in the most appropriate

2017-04-16 23:03:26 UTC  

And there are phycopathic people who are only held in check by fear of consequences

2017-04-16 23:03:35 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:03:39 UTC  

And hanging doesn't display that?

2017-04-16 23:03:44 UTC  

Hanging timewise is extremely inneficient

2017-04-16 23:03:50 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:04:00 UTC  

also brutal if the neck doesnt snap

2017-04-16 23:04:01 UTC  

Do 10 at a time

2017-04-16 23:04:11 UTC  

It's incredibly easy to get the neck to snap.

2017-04-16 23:04:21 UTC  

well it doesnt always happen

2017-04-16 23:04:22 UTC  

Sure, so set the stage 5 higher than the length of the rope

2017-04-16 23:04:25 UTC  

It was a science mastered by 1700.

2017-04-16 23:04:30 UTC  

And if the neck doesn't snap you would be hanging for days waiting to die

2017-04-16 23:04:31 UTC  

How about giant gas chambers?

2017-04-16 23:04:38 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:04:39 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:04:40 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:04:45 UTC  

No one can hang by the neck for days

2017-04-16 23:04:46 UTC  

Sure, nothing is 100% but it's better than these scumbag max offenders living off **our** money

2017-04-16 23:04:48 UTC  

A bullet to the head is fastest and cheapest

2017-04-16 23:05:01 UTC  

why am i paying for you to live for free?

2017-04-16 23:05:02 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:05:08 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:05:14 UTC  

That's what I'm talking about

2017-04-16 23:05:22 UTC  

Build a MASSIVE helicopter

2017-04-16 23:05:27 UTC  

Why the fuck do we have lifers who committed heionous crimes?

2017-04-16 23:05:31 UTC  
2017-04-16 23:05:33 UTC  

Just kill@them and be done with it

2017-04-16 23:05:42 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:05:47 UTC  

I remember one where it took days but that was some Middle East shit where they tied a rope to a gay guys neck and lifted him up by it using a crane

2017-04-16 23:05:48 UTC  

And drop 100 of them out of it at once

2017-04-16 23:05:59 UTC  

Well the unfortunate thing is that some people really are wrongfully convicted.

2017-04-16 23:05:59 UTC  

im not paying for you to feed, house, and clothe you

2017-04-16 23:06:00 UTC  


2017-04-16 23:06:30 UTC  

If it can't be proven without a shadow of a doubt that you're guilty, then I don't believe you should be executed.

2017-04-16 23:06:54 UTC  

A better judicial system is honestly what's needed
Too much shit where if a woman says you raped her you get convicted no matter what

2017-04-16 23:07:12 UTC  
2017-04-16 23:07:24 UTC  

The thing is

2017-04-16 23:07:36 UTC  

I agree, although I don't have the answer for how to fix our justice system, it definitely needs to be fixed.

2017-04-16 23:07:39 UTC  

Sometimes it isnt possible to proove something perfectly