Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 565610931753844774

2019-04-10 15:33:17 UTC  

On Hannity last night they claimed Barr had put together a panel to look at how this investigation came into being. Barr denied that this morning. Stated flat out no I did not put together any panel.

Barr also made it clear he would not have taken the case to undo the ACA based on his opinion however he is doing so because he will enforce the will of the President as he does see it has a chance of being validated by the Supreme Court.

It concerns me that Barr does not see the problem with FIAS's based on nothing but political activism documents. He seemed to be saying I will look into it but I am not seeing the problem. How can he not see the problem.

Guess we will know more within a week as that is when he is to release his complete Muller redacted report. He is refusing to give any more information for now on it. So it is possible he feels this report will be what is needed to prove Muller was just political.

2019-04-10 15:35:31 UTC  

He is insanely smart. Very well spoken.

2019-04-10 15:35:35 UTC  

Do you not feel it’s a good sign mate that FISA is not needing to be played yet ? @Steve Angell i think if the options there and trump keeps getting what he wants before using it things are looking good

2019-04-10 15:38:17 UTC  

Things are looking good for Trump. His approval is much higher. I am not at all sure things are looking good for the election of GOP to the House and Senate. Both required for Trump to get his agenda. The people are infuriated that no one is being prosecuted. If these people are not prosecuted it is very likely that WTP will see no good reason to go out and vote in 2020. It will be obvious at that point that Trump is for the Corporations not WTP. That we have a dual system of justice and Trump is fine with that.

2019-04-10 15:53:37 UTC  

He stated that redactions can go both ways. In favor of Democrats or Trump I assume he meant. He stated he did not think he would make any changes on redactions. He has not so far. However Justice employees are working with the Muller team on these redactions.

It will be interesting to see the final document. Interesting to see the reaction of Barr to it. He stated he will do this.

Barr is very very smart. I can certainly see how Barr might feel it would make sense to have this get out and then attack the Muller team if he feels they acted criminally. Seems very obvious to me this Muller investigation was illegal and pure politics. Hopefully Barr sees it that way and is just putting it off till after the report. Hiding this panel if it exist. Perhaps it does exist just not an actual panel at this point.

2019-04-10 15:59:06 UTC  

Graham is really getting Barr to admit that he is investigating obstruction by the FBI and DOJ. Barr is very clear what they did was very wrong. That so far he has been unable to get solid answers from these officials as to why they did what they did.

This is indicating that this investigation is going on but barely started. Evidently Huber was a lie.

2019-04-10 16:00:14 UTC  

Now I do believe Huber is working on Pedophile rings and other such things.

2019-04-10 16:58:52 UTC  

Congressional hearing witness, yesterday

2019-04-10 17:03:48 UTC  

Q posted

2019-04-10 17:42:51 UTC  

around 26 minutes into the senate hearing, Barr mentions the practice of lower courts creating injunctions to hold up grants etc. & that they would be taking a look at it across the judiciary with respect to national legislation being held up as well, by a single judge.

2019-04-10 17:47:17 UTC  

Oh-hi Q!

2019-04-10 17:47:49 UTC  

I think we have fully normalized a lower Q post schedule

2019-04-10 18:03:47 UTC  

@Desimated Barr is super smart. So smart that the Democrats did not understand how he was destroying them. It was clear by the end of today they were indeed in a Panic.

Of course there are other very smart Trump appointees who are also putting the Dems in their place big time.

2019-04-10 18:39:28 UTC  

Stuff like what is going on with Assange infuriates WTP. He is a journalist yet is not allowed to do that while the USA is giving Ecuador billions to remove Julian's right to get medical attention or speak to anyone without being surveilled.

Printing what is given him is not a crime. This is routinely done by US news agencies. That is his job but the USA has forced Ecuador to not allow him to do it.

2019-04-10 18:43:28 UTC  

i dont know if id say US, the puppeteers have very little alligence to anything but themselves.
but yeah, it sucks, he shouldnt be in this situation.. makes me wonder if it s for his safety

2019-04-10 18:55:54 UTC  

@Desimated The new President is the problem. This is not for his safety. He is not allowed to speak with his children.

2019-04-10 19:06:35 UTC  

@LowLandsPete All they are doing is lying. What good is it. Lie after lie after lie. Democrats and Republicans when only Republicans were banned. Outright lie.

2019-04-10 19:15:41 UTC  

Yeah well now the lying is official. @Steve Angell

2019-04-10 19:20:52 UTC  

i'm surprised they never formed the jewish party officially

2019-04-10 19:21:40 UTC  

oh wait..they did...they called themselves democrats

2019-04-10 19:22:11 UTC  

Which is now becoming the Muslim party.

2019-04-10 19:23:09 UTC  

only like 2-5 members are muslim....most of the party is jewish

2019-04-10 19:24:36 UTC  

But those Muslims have the power. The others kowtow to them.

2019-04-10 19:25:32 UTC  

muslim brotherhood Saudi cash

2019-04-10 19:26:35 UTC  

what they have in common is zionism

2019-04-10 19:27:22 UTC  

Deeper than that. Muslims are just toy soldiers who will be killed off after their purpose is fulfilled. Jews are not really Jews. Not whom we are talking about. They are Jesuit Priest and so are the Muslims who rule.

2019-04-10 19:31:13 UTC  

We chose to release one video from the Orlando conference. We realize the US will soon pass laws that forbid the truth from being told so we wanted to give you some insight on whats coming.

2019-04-10 19:38:39 UTC  

Noahide laws are the most dangerous thing currently facing Americans or any other country. This is an outright lie. Nothing to do with Noah or the Bible.

2019-04-10 19:39:17 UTC  

Most likely they were written by Jesuits.

2019-04-10 19:41:04 UTC  

One actually told the truth sort of. They are meant to be objective. Right so obviously they are meant to suppress conservatives.